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Physik-Institut Group of Laura Baudis

  1. A step into the neutrino fog: first measurement of solar CEvNS with XENONnT, D. Ramírez García, Seminar: University of Oxford Experimental Particle Physics Seminar, December 3rd 2024, Oxford, United Kingdom

  2. Recent results from the XENONnT experiment (PDF, 6MB), F. Jörg, Seminar: The search for low-mass WIMPs and CEvNS: theory perspective and recent results from XENONnT,  December 2nd 2024, Rome, Italy

  3. Dark matter searches with dual-phase xenon TPCs (PDF, 68 MB), C. Capelli, Seminar for the Institute of nuclear and particle physics, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, November 28th 2024

  4. Exploring neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory, J. Cuenca-García, BLV, October 8-11 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany

  5. A first step into the neutrino fog: first measurement of solar CEvNS with XENONnT, D. Ramírez García, UZH Astroparticle Physics Special Seminar, October 10th  2024, Zürich, Switzerland

  6. High sensitivity Rn studies: review (PDF, 2.9MB), F. Jörg, LRT 2024, October, 1-4 2024, Krakow, Poland

  7. Probing neutrinoless double beta decay with LEGEND,  A.R. Sreekala, SPS 2024, September 9-13 2024, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

  8. XLZD: The Future of Direct Dark Matter Detection, M. Adrover,
    SPS 2024, September 9-13 2024, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

  9. The 2.6 m-high Xenoscope TPC - Design, Assembly, and First Results (PDF, 6 MB), R. Peres, LIDINE 2024, August 26-29 2024, São Paulo, Brazil

  10. The DARWIN R&D towards the XLZD detector, C. Capelli, IDM2024, July 8-12 2024, L'Aquila, Italy

  11. Enhancing event discrimination in high-purity Ge detectors with transformer, M. Babicz, Neutrino Physics and Machine Learning 2024, June 25th–28th 2024, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

  12. Search for the 2vECB+ in Xe-124 with the XENONnT experiment, P. Cimental, Neutrino2024, June 16-22 2024, Milan, Italy

  13. Real-time detection of Supernova Neutrinos in XENONnT, R. Peres, Neutrino2024, June 16-22 2024, Milan, Italy

  14. Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites, J. Cuenca-García, Neutrino2024, June 16-22 2024, Milan, Italy

  15. Neutrino physics with the DARWIN observatory, D. Ramírez García, Neutrino2024, June 16-22 2024, Milan, Italy

  16. Search for Pauli Exclusion Principle Violations with Gator, a High-Purity Germanium Detector at LNGS (PDF, 13 MB), A. Bismark,A Modern Odyssey: Quantum Gravity meets Quantum Collapse at Atomic and Nuclear physics energy scales in the Cosmic Silence, European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Trento, 5 June 2024

  17. Probing the Secrets of Matter Creation with LEGEND, M. Babicz, Seminar: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Nuclear Science (MIT LNS) Seminars, March 5th 2024, Cambridge, MA, USA

  18. Current status of Xenoscope, a full-scale vertical demonstator for the DARWIN observatory; J. Cuenca-García, (online), Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University (Japan)Nagoya workshop on technology and instrumentation in future liquid noble gas detectors, 15 February 2024

  19. Shedding light on the nature of neutrinos: The search for neutrinoless double beta decay with the LEGEND experiment, G. R. Araujo, Neutrino Physics Seminar, Center for Neutrino Physics at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA, 12 January 2024

  20. Readout of color centers with light-sheet fluorescence microscopy, G. R. Araujo, Mineral detection of neutrinos and dark matter workshop, Executive Briefing Center of Virginia Tech, Arlington, USA, 11 January 2024

  21. Measurement of two-neutrino double-electron capture in the XENON experiments, C. Wittweg, International Workshop on the Theoretical and Experimental Approaches for Nuclear Matrix Elements of Double-beta Decay (NME 2023), Research Center for Nuclear Study, Osaka University, Japan (online), 22 December 2023

  22. Detection prospects for the double-beta decays of 124Xe, C. Wittweg, Workshop on Xenon Detector 0νββ Searches: Steps Towards the Kilotonne Scale, SLAC (online), 26 October 2023

  23. Dunkle Materie, Kernzerfälle und Neutrinos – Auf der Suche nach den seltensten Prozessen der Natur mit dem XENON Experiment, C. Wittweg, Astroseminar 2023, Münster, 13. October 2023

  24. Passive particle detectors read out by light-sheet fluorescence microscopy, G. R. Araujo, 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors,   Siena, Italy, 28 September 2023

  25. First science run results of XENONnT,  D. Ramírez García, LIDINE 2023: LIght Detection In Noble Elements, Madrid, 20 September 2023

  26. Advancing Liquid Xenon Dark Matter Detection with DARWIN observatory, M. Babicz, LIDINE 2023: LIght Detection In Noble Elements, Madrid, 20 September 2023

  27. Xenoscope and photosensor R&D for DARWIN at UZH, A. Bismark, LIDINE 2023: LIght Detection In Noble Elements, Madrid, 20 September 2023

  28. Xenoscope - the full scale vertical DARWIN demonstrator , P. Cimental Chávez, Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Physical Society 2023, Basel, 8 September 2023

  29. DARWIN: a next-generation observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics, M. Rajado Silva, Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Physical Society 2023, Basel, 8 September 2023

  30. Status and recent results of the XENONnT experiment, R. Peres, IBER 2023,  Coimbra, 8 September 2023

  31. Recent results from XENONnT, C. Wittweg, Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss and Austrian Physical Society 2023, Basel, 8 September 2023

  32. Search for solar B-8 neutrinos with XENONnT, C. Wittweg, TAUP 2023, Vienna, 28 August 2023

  33. DARWIN - A Next-Generation Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics, R. Peres, EPS-HEP 2023, Hamburg, 23 August 2023

  34. Searching for matter creation via neutrinoless double beta decay, P.-J. Chiu, TDLI Seminars Online/Shanghai, 4 July 2023

  35. Xenoscope – A full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory (PDF, 43 MB), C. Wittweg, LowRad Symposium, Münster, 30 June 2023

  36. The LEGEND experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay,  P.-J. Chiu, PPC 2023, Daejeon, 12 June 2023

  37. The broad physics program of the GERDA experimentY. Müller, Planck 2023, Warsaw, 24 May 2023

  38. The LEGEND experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay, P.-J. Chiu, EDSU 2022, La Réunion, 11 November 2022

  39. First XENONnT results on electronic recoil interactions, D. Ramírez García, EDSU 2022, La Réunion, 11 November 2022

  40. Xenoscope: a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory (Poster), P. Cimental, LIDINE22, Warsaw, 22 September 2022

  41. SiPM array of Xenoscope, a full-scale DARWIN vertical demonstrator, R. Peres, LIDINE 2022, Warsaw, 23 September 2022

  42. Dark matter direct detection with the XENONnT experiment, G. Volta,CIPANP 2022, Orlando, 31, August 2022

  43. Future Dark Matter Experiments with Noble Liquids (PDF, 29 MB), M. Galloway, Identification of Dark Matter, Vienna, 19 July 2022

  44. Calibration of the LEGEND-200 experiment (Poster), Y. Müller,International Conference on High Energy Physics 2022, Bologna, 06 July 2022

  45. Wavelength-shifting materials & liquid argon instrumentation for LEGEND (Poster), Gabriela R. Araujo,Clues to a mysterious Universe - exploring the interface of particle, gravity and quantum physics, Kitzbühel, 01 July 2022

  46. The LEGEND experiment to search for neutrinoless double beta decay, P.-J. Chiu, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, Fribourg, 28 June 2022

  47. Dark matter direct detection with the XENONnT experiment, G. Volta, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, Fribourg, 27 June 2022

  48. Xenoscope - a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory, A. Bismark, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, Fribourg, 27 June 2022

  49. The DARWIN Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics (PDF, 13 MB), M. Galloway, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS, Fribourg, 27 June 2022 

  50. Xenoscope: a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory, P. Cimental, Invisibles22 Workshop, Paris-Saclay University, France (IJCLab) 21 June 2022

  51. Dark Matter Searches with Underground Experiments (PDF, 49 MB), M. Galloway, Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics, Tokyo University of Science, 13 June 2022

  52. SiPM readout of Xenoscope (PDF, 5 MB), R. Peres, International Workshop on Applications of Noble Gas Xenon to Science and Technology (XeSAT2022), University of Coimbra (PT), 25 May 2022

  53. R&D and characterization of wavelength-shifting reflectors for LEGEND and for future LAr-based detectors, G. R. Araujo, NDM 2022, Asheville (USA), 15-21 May 2022

  54. Double beta decays of Xe-124 and Xe-136 in XENON1T and XENONnT, C. Wittweg, NDM 2022, Asheville (USA), 15-21 May 2022

  55. The upgraded low-background germanium counting facility Gator for high-sensitivity 𝛾-ray spectrometry, A. Bismark, ICRM - LLRMT 2022, LNGS, 5 May 2022

  56. Xenoscope -- a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory, F. Girard, The 16th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, online, 21-25 February 2022

  57. The upgraded low-background germanium counting facility Gator for high-sensitivity 𝛾-ray spectrometry, A. Bismark, The 16th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, online, 21-25 February 2022

  58. Beyond Standard Model Searches with Liquid Xenon Detectors (PDF, 34 MB), M. Galloway, Beyond the Standard Model Workshop, Chung-Ang University, South Korea, online, 7 Feb 2022

  59. Recent results and status of the XENON dark matter experiment, M. Galloway, Krakow Jagiellonian University Seminar on Particle Physics Phenomenology and Experiments, online, 20 December 2021

  60. DARWIN: a next-generation time projection chamber (PDF, 9 MB), P. Sanchez-Lucas, Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2021, online, 30 November 2021

  61. Dark Matter Direct Detection, M. Galloway, The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium, online, 8 November 2021

  62. A measurement of the mean electronic excitation energy of liquid xenon (PDF, 45 MB), K. Thieme, INPA seminar, LBNL, Berkeley, online, 8 October 2021

  63. R&D and characterization of wavelength-shifting reflectors for LEGEND-200 and for future LAr-based detectors, G. R. Araujo, LIDINE 2021, UC San Diego (online), 17 September 2021

  64. XENONnT light sensors: performance and reliability, G. Volta, LIDINE 2021, UC San Diego (online), 17 September 2021

  65. Recent Results and Status of the XENON Dark Matter Project, C. Wittweg, Nuclear Particle Astrophysics Seminar, Wright Lab, Yale University, online, 09 September 2021

  66. LEGEND - The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, Y. Müller, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS, Innsbruck, 01 September 2021

  67. The upgraded low-background germanium counting facility Gator for high-sensitivity 𝛾-ray spectrometry, A. Bismark, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS, Innsbruck, 01 September 2021

  68. The XENONnT Detector and Physics Programme, R. Peres, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS, Innsbruck, 01 September 2021

  69. Invisible Nucleon Decays in the XENON1T Experiment, G. Volta, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG and SPS, Innsbruck, 01 September 2021

  70. New Constraints on Strongly Interacting Sub-GeV Dark Matter via Electron Scattering from a small Dual-Phase Xenon TPC(Poster), S. Buse, TAUP 2021, online, 30 August 2021

  71. Detection prospects for the double-beta decays of 124Xe (Poster), C. Wittweg, TAUP 2021, online, 30 August 2021

  72. Final results of GERDA on the search for neutrinoless double beta decay, Y. Müller, EPS 2021, online, 28 July 2021

  73. DARWIN – a next-generation observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics (PDF, 15 MB), K. Thieme, ICRC 2021, online, 13 July 2021

  74. Neutrinoless double beta decay search with GERDA and LEGEND, G.R. Araujo, NBI international neutrino summer school, online, 8 July 2021

  75. Xenoscope – a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the DARWIN observatory (PDF, 5 MB) (Poster), F. Girard, INFN SoUP2021, online, 29 June 2021

  76. Xurich II: First Dual-Phase Xenon TPC With SiPMs (PDF, 3 MB) (Poster), K. Thieme, INFN SoUP2021, online, 29 June 2021 

  77. DARWIN: a next generation multi-tonne xenon observatory (Poster), P. Sanchez-Lucas, WIN2021, online, 12 June 2021 

  78. Direct dark matter detection: Recent results from XENON, C. Wittweg, CHIPP Meeting 2021, Spiez, 11 June 2021

  79. Low-mass dark matter searches with XENON1T (PDF, 65 MB), M. Galloway, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung Seminar, online, 10 June 2021

  80. Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA and LEGEND-200, G. R. Araujo, CHIPP Meeting 2021, Spiez, 10 June 2021

  81. The upgraded low-background germanium counting facility Gator for high-sensitivity γ-ray spectrometry, A. Bismark, Invisibles 2021 Workshop, online, 31 May - 04 June 2021

  82. Purity monitor and TPC design for Xenoscope, Y. Biondi, TIPP 2021 conference, online, 24–29 May 2021.

  83. Virtual Dark Matter Lab Visit, F. Girard, Invisibles21 School, online, 7 May 2021

  84. Recent results and prospects of the XENON dark matter experiment, M. Galloway, Carnegie Mellon/University of Pittsburgh joint seminar, 5 April 2021

  85. DARWIN: a next generation multi-ton xenon observatory (PDF, 32 MB), P. Sanchez-Lucas, IFIC-Valencia (Spain), online, 23 March 2021

  86. Recent Results from XENON1T and Multi-messenger Future of XENONnT (PDF, 6 MB), R. Peres, XIX Neu-Tel, online, 18-26 February 2021

  87. Excess Electronic Recoil Events with XENON1T, M. Galloway, KIT seminar, 29 Jan 2021

  88. Excess Electronic Recoil Events with XENON1T, M. Galloway, U. Freiburg seminar, 4 Nov 2020

  89. Excess Electronic Recoil Events with XENON1T, M. Galloway, Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar, Physik-Institut, UZH, 25 Oct 2020

  90. Excess Electronic Recoil Events with XENON1T, M. Galloway, DESY seminar, 7 August 2020

  91. Excess Electronic Recoil Events with XENON1T, M. Galloway, Jülich seminar, 27 July 2020

  92. Observation of Excess Electron Recoil Events with XENON1T, M. Galloway, UC Berkeley INPA seminar, 17 July 2020

  93. The Calibration System of the LEGEND-200 experiment, Y. Müller, Neutrino 2022 (online), 29 June 2020

  94. Search for axions and axion-like particles with XENON1T, M. Galloway, Zooming in on Axions in the Early Universe, CERN online seminar, 26 June 2020

  95. Sensitivity of the DARWIN Observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136-Xe, P. Sanchez-Lucas, Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar, Physik-Institut, UZH, 27 April 2020

  96. Sensitivity to the neutrinoless double beta decay of DARWIN, P. Sanchez-Lucas, CNNP 2020, Cape Town, South Africa, 24-28 February 2020

  97. Sensitivity of DARWIN to the neutrinoless double beta decay, P. Sanchez-Lucas, IV CAFPE-Workshop University of Granada, Granada, 18-20 December 2019

  98. DARWIN: the next-generation of xenon time projection chambers, P. Sanchez-Lucas, HighRR Workshop-Vistas on Detector Physics, Heidelberg, Germany, 30 September - 1 October 2019

  99. XURICH II – First dual-phase xenon TPC with SiPM readout and its ultra-low energy calibration with 37-Ar, K. Thieme, LIDINE 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom, 29 August 2019

  100. DARWIN: a next-generation multi-ton xenon observatory, P. Sanchez-Lucas, SPS-ÖPG Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2019

  101. Analysis of High-Energy Events in XENON1T, C. Capelli, SPS-ÖPG Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2019

  102. Results from the XENON1T experiment, G. Volta,  SPS-ÖPG Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2019

  103. Search for Dark Absorption with XENON1T, M. Galloway, SPS-ÖPG Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2019

  104. XURICH II – First dual-phase xenon TPC with SiPM readout and its ultra-low energy calibration with 37-Ar, K. Thieme, SPS-ÖPG Annual Meeting, Zurich, 27 August 2019

  105. DARWIN – a next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics, K. Thieme, EPS-HEP2019, Ghent, Belgium, 10-17 July 2019

  106. Status and Results from the XENON Dark Matter Project, A. Brown, EPS-HEP2019, Ghent, Belgium, 10-17 July 2019

  107. DARWIN: toward the ultimate dark matter detector, P. Sanchez-Lucas, 31st Rencontres de Blois, Blois, France, 02-07 June 2019

  108. The XENON Dark Matter Project: Latest Results and Future Prospects, C. Capelli, ALPS 2019, Obergurgl, Austria, 22-27 April 2019

  109. Xenoscope: Towards DARWIN – the Ultimate Dark Matter Detector (Poster), F. Girard, CHIPP Winter School of Particle Physics 2019, Engelberg, Switzerland, 22 January 2019

  110. Upgrade of the Xurich II TPC with a SiPM array (Poster), K. Thieme, CHIPP Winter School of Particle Physics 2019, Engelberg, Switzerland, 22 January 2019

  111.  Towards the ultimate dark matter detector (PDF, 25 MB), P. Sanchez-Lucas, III CAFPE-Workshop University of Granada, Granada, 20-21 December 2018

  112.  DARWIN: the ultimate dark matter detector, Y. Biondi, II South American Dark Matter Workshop, São Paulo, Brazil, 21-23 November 2018

  113.  Status and Results from the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment, A. Brown, II South American Dark Matter Workshop, São Paulo, Brazil, 21-23 November 2018

  114. The search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) with GERDA, C. Ransom, Invisibles18 workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, 4 September 2018

  115. Search for inelastic WIMP-nucleus scattering with XENON1T, A. Brown, SPS meeting 2018, Lausanne, 28-31 August 2018

  116. New Results from the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment, C. Capelli, SPS meeting 2018, Lausanne, 28-31 August 2018

  117. DARWIN: the ultimate dark matter detector, P. Sanchez-Lucas, SPS meeting 2018, Lausanne, 28-31 August 2018

  118. Simulations and Background predictions for DARWIN, Y. Biondi, SPS meeting 2018, Lausanne, 28-31 August 2018

  119. Direct Dark Matter Detection with XENON1TJ. Wulf, TeVPA 2018, Berlin, Germany, 28 August 2018

  120. The search for neutrinoless double beta decay with a half-life beyond 10^26 yr with the GERDA experiment, R. Hiller, TeVPA 2018, Berlin, Germany, 27-31 August 2018

  121. Characterization of SiPMs for Use in Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chambers (Poster), F. Girard, K. Thieme, SENSE TechForum, Geneva, Switzerland, 22 June 2018

  122. The search for neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA (PDF, 24 MB), C. Ransom, Invited talk, Instituto de Física Corpuscular, University of Valencia, Spain, 11 July 2018

  123. Newest results of the GERDA experiment (PDF, 10 MB), M. Miloradovic, PASCOS 2018, Cleveland, USA, 4.-8. June 2018.

  124. Prospects for Solar Neutrinos in DARWIN (PDF, 16 MB) S. Reichard, 5th International Solar Neutrino Conference, Dresden, Germany, 13 June 2018

  125. Status of the GERDA experiment, C. Ransom, Blois 2018: 30th Rencontres de Blois on "Particle Physics and Cosmology", 5 June 2018

  126. The Latest from the XENON Dark Matter Project (PDF, 21 MB), S. Reichard, ALPS 2018, Obergurgl, Austria, 19 April 2018

  127. Searching for Majorana neutrinos: current status and future plans in Switzerland, R. Hiller, Strategic Workshop in Switzerland (CHIPP), 4 April 2018

  128. Energy calibration for the GERDA experiment, C. Ransom, Zurich PhD seminar 2018, Zurich, 9 March 2018

  129. Response of liquid xenon to low-energy ionizing radiation, C. Capelli, Zurich PhD seminar 2018, Zurich, 8 March 2018

  130. Dark matter searches with xenon TPCs and first results from XENON1T (PDF, 62 MB), M. Galloway, Vistas on Detector Physics  (Invited Talk), Heidelberg University, Germany, 11 Dec 2017

  131. Xurich II: a Dual-phase TPC for Scintillation and Ionization measurements in Liquid Xenon (PDF, 22 MB), A. Kish, Joint SPS and OePG meeting 2017, Geneva, 25 August 2017

  132. Energy Calibration of the XENON1T Dark Matter Detector, C. Capelli, Joint SPS and OePG meeting 2017, Geneva, 21-25 August 2017

  133. Studies of a PMT with magnesium fluoride window for direct detection of liquid argon scintillation light, C. Ransom, Joint SPS and OePG meeting 2017, Geneva, 21-25 August 2017
  134. Background free search for neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, R.Hiller,  Joint SPS and OePG meeting 2017, Geneva, 21-25 August 2017
  135. Supernova Neutrino Physics with XENON1T and Beyond (PDF, 1 MB), S. Reichard, NuEclipse, Knoxville, USA, 22 August 2017
  136. Pulse Shape Simulations for the GERDA Experiment, M. Miloradovic, Invisibles Workshop 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16. June 2017
  137. Direct observation of liquid argon scintillation light: Studies of a magnesium fluoride (MgF2) PMT for neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments, C. Ransom, Invisibles Workshop 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16. June 2017
  138. Search for keV-scale dark matter candidates with the Gerda experiment, R. Mingazheva,  Invisibles Workshop 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16. June 2017
  139. First Results from the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment, M. Galloway, European Physical Society (EPS-HEP), Venice, Italy, 6 July 2017
  140. Prospects for keV-DM searches with the GERDA experiment,R. Hiller, DPG meeting, Munster, Germany, 29 March 2017
  141. Photodetectors for the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment, Y. Wei, 2016 IEEE NSS/MIC, Strasbourg, 30 October 2016
  142. DARWIN: Towards the Ultimate Dark Matter Detector, A. Kish, TeV Particle Astrophysics (TeVPA-2016), CERN, Switzerland, 16 Sept. 2016
  143. The XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment, Y. Wei, SPS Meeting, Lugano, 25 August 2016
  144. Characterization of VUV Silicon-Photomultipliers for xenon based dark matter detectors, J. Wulf, SPS Meeting, Lugano, 24 August 2016
  145. Design and characterisation of the Xurich II dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, M. Galloway, SPS Meeting, Lugano, 24 August 2016
  146. Current status and plans of the Gerda experiment, R. Mingazheva, SPS Meeting, Lugano, 23 August 2016
  147. Dark Matter Search at the Multi-Ton Scale with XENONnT, M. Galloway, Identification of Dark Matter, Sheffield, England, 20 July 2016
  148. Direct Dark Matter Detection with XENON1T, J. Wulf, Direct Dark Matter Detection with XENON1T, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 13 July 2016
  149. Direct Dark Matter Detection with XENON1T, M. Galloway, From the Vacuum to theUniverse, Kitzbuhel, Austria, 28 June 2016
  150. Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with the Gerda experiment, R. Mingazheva, From the Vacuum to theUniverse, Kitzbuhel, Austria, 28 June 2016
  151. XENON: Dual-phase TPCs for Dark Matter Detection, A. Kish, Excellence Cluster Universe 'Detectors and Instrumentation' Workshop, MPE Munich, Germany, 31 May 2016
  152. The GERDA experiment: Search for the neutrinoless double beta decay, M. Miloradovic, Magellan Workshop 2016, DESY Hamburg, Germany, March 2016
  153. Xenon Detectors for Dark Matter Searches, A. Kish, Seminar at EPFL, Lausanne, November 30, 2015
  154. Searches for Particle Dark Matter with the XENON100 and XENOn1T Experiments, A. Kish, Seminar at Imperial College London, November 5, 2015
  155. Cosmogenic Activation of Xenon, F. Piastra, 6th Young Researchers Meeting, L'Aquila, October 12, 2015
  156. Status and perspectives of the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, Seminar at LNGS, 30 September 2015
  157. Gas Emanation System for the GERDA experiment, M. Miloradovic, SPS/OEPG meeting, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, September 2015
  158. The XENON1T Light Calibration System, P. Pakarha, SPS meeting, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, September 2015
  159. Wavelength-shifters for argon, VUV-sensitive SiPMs, and measurements of xenon response to low energy neutrons, A. Kish, LIDINE-2015, Light Detection in Noble Liquids, State University of New York, Albany, USA, August 29, 2015
  160. XENON dark matter project, G. Kessler, 17th Lomonosov conference on elementary particle physics 2015, Moscow, Russia, 24. August 2015
  161. Dark Matter Searches with Liquid Xenon and Latest Results from the XENON100 Experiment, A. Kish, Seminar at Royal Holloway, University of London, August 12, 2015
  162. The XENON1T Light Calibration System,P. Pakarha, Joint PhD seminar, PSI Villigen, August 27, 2015
  163. Searching for Bosonic SuperWIMPs in XENON100, P. Barrow, Joint PhD seminar, PSI Villigen, August 27, 2015
  164. Studies of the XENON100 electromagnetic background, D. Mayani, Joint PhD seminar, PSI Villigen, August 27, 2015
  165. Cosmogenic Activation of Xenon, F. Piastra, Joint PhD seminar, PSI Villigen, August 27, 2015
  166. The XENON1T Time Projection Chamber, J. Wulf, Joint PhD seminar, PSI Villigen, August 27, 2015
  167. The XENON Project for Direct Dark Matter Detection, A. Kish, EPS HEP-2015, European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Vienna, Austria, July 24, 2015
  168. Searching for Bosonic SuperWIMPs in XENON100, P. Barrow, Invisibles Workshop, Madrid, June 25, 2015
  169. Studies of the XENON100 electromagnetic background,D. Mayani, Invisibles Workshop, Madrid, June 25, 2015
  170. Improvement of the energy resolution via an optimized digital signal processing in GERDA Phase I, G. Benato, ISSP 2015, Erice, 24 June - 3 July 2015
  171. Digital signal shaping for germanium detectors: theory and practice, G. Benato, PhD workshop on experimental aspects of rare event searches, Tuebingen, 18-19 June 2015
  172. The GERDA Experiment for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, M. Walter, Rencontres de Blois, Chateau Royal de Blois, May 31, 2015
  173. Search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, Seminar at Yale University, 29 May 2015
  174. Search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, CIPANP 2015, Vail Colorado, 19-24 May 2015
  175. The XENON1T Time-Projection Chamber, P. Barrow, CHIPP Winter School, Grindelwald, Switzerland, January 22, 2015
  176. The GERDA Experiment for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, M. Walter, Discrete 2014, London, 2.- 6. December 2014
  177. XENON100 and XENON1T -- Dark Matter Search with Liquid Xenon, G. Kessler, 20th Particles and Nuclei Internactional Conference 2014, PANIC2014, Hamburg, Germany, 25. August 2014
  178. Response of Liquid Xenon to Low-energy Nuclear Recoils, P. Pakarha, Joint PhD Seminar, ETH, Zurich, August 2014
  179. Search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, ICHEP 2014, Valencia, 2-9 July 2014
  180. Search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, SWAPS 2014, Geneva, 11-13 June 2014
  181. Response of Liquid Xenon to Low-energy Electronic and Nuclear Recoils, P. Pakarha, SPS meeting, Freiburg, Switzerland, June 2014
  182. Direct Dark Matter Detection with XENON and DARWIN, A.Kish, Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation TIPP2014, Beurs Van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 4 2014
  183. The GERDA Experiment for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, M. Walter, Seminar on Particle and Astrophysics Uni Zurich, 16 October 2013
  184. Search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, From Majorana to LHC: Workshop on the Origin of Neutrino Mass, ICTP, 2-5 October 2013
  185. XENON and DARWIN R&D in Switzerland, M. Auger, 2nd CHIPP Workshop on Detector R&D, PSI, September 13 2013
  186. Search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the GERDA experiment, G. Benato, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG, SPS, ÖGAA and SGAA, Linz, 3-6 September 2013
  187. Dark Matter Search with the XENON100 Experiment, A. Kish, 16th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow State University, August 24, 2013
  188. The GERDA Experiment for the Search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, M. Walter, Patras Workshop, Schloss Waldthausen, July 27 2013
  189. Dark Matter Search with the XENON100 Experiment, A. Kish, Latsys Symposium, June 5, 2013
  190. Recent results from the XENON experiment, A. Behrens, EPS-HEP 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, July 18th, 2013
  191. GERmanium Detector Array: Status and Plans, G. Kiran Kumar, TEVPA-12, TIFR Mumbai, India, December 12th, 2012
  192. New dark matter results from XENON, M. Schumann, MLL Kolloquium, LMU/TU Munich, Germany, October 25th, 2012
  193. XENON100 -- The new Results, M. Schumann, Dienstagsseminar, DESY Hamburg, Germany, October 23rd, 2012
  194. XENON100 -- The new Results, M. Schumann, Seminar, CEA Saclay, France, October 20th, 2012
  195. XENON100 -- The new Results, M. Schumann, Seminar, DESY Zeuthen, Germany, October 17th, 2012
  196. Improvement of the Offliine Event Reconstruction for the GERDA Experiment , G. Benato, SIF Meeting 2012, Napoli, Italy, September 21, 2012
  197. XENON100, XENON1T and DARWIN , G. Kessler, CHIPP Meeting 2012, Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland, September 14, 2012
  198. Photomultiplier Tubes for XENON1T, A. Behrens, Doktorierendenseminar, Zurich, August 28th, 2012
  199. XENON100 -- The new Results, M. Schumann, Fermilab Seminar/PATRAS12, Chicago, USA, July 20th, 2012
  200. New Frontiers in Dark Matter Direct Detection: Probing sub-GeV DM Masses, A. Manalaysay, PATRAS12, Chicago, USA, July 18th, 2012
  201. Direct Dark Matter Searches, M. Schumann, What is Nu? INVISIBLES12, GGI Florence, Italy, June 27th, 2012
  202. Measurements of the low-energy response of liquid xenon, A. Manalaysay, SPS Meeting 2012, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 21st, 2012
  203. Dark Matter Search with XENON, M. Schumann, SPS Meeting 2012, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 21st, 2012
  204. The GERDA experiment for the search of neutrinoless double beta decay, G. Benato, SPS Meeting 2012, ETH Zurich, Italy, July 21, 2012
  205. Dark Matter Search with XENON, M. Schumann, Seminar, AEC University of Bern, Switzerland, May 10th, 2012,
  206. Dark Matter Search with XENON, M. Schumann, Nuclear Chemistry Seminar, Mainz University, Germany, May 2nd, 2012
  207. Direct Dark Matter Search with Noble Liquids, M. Schumann, Rencontres de Moriond 2012, Cosmology Session, La Thuile, Italy, March 14th, 2012
  208. The GERDA calibration system, Laura Baudis, Francis Froborg, Michael Tarka, Tobias Bruch, Alfredo Ferella, and Manuel Walter for the GERDA-Collaboratio, DPG Fruehjahrstagung 2012, Goettingen, Germany, February 28th, 2012
  209. XENON, M. Schumann, Bethe Forum 2011, Bonn, Germany, November 15th, 2011
  210. Measurements of the low-energy response of liquid xenon, A. Manalaysay, TAUP 2011, Munich, Germany, September 8th, 2011
  211. XENON and DARWIN, M. Schumann, CHIPP Meeting 2011, Leysin, Switzerland, September 1st, 2011
  212. The GERDA Experiment - A Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, F. Froborg, TeVPA 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, August 5th, 2011
  213. Results of XENON100, M. Schumann, TeVPA 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, August 3rd, 2011
  214. Direct Dark Mater Detection and the XENON100 experiment, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Seminar MPI, Heidelberg, August 1st, 2011
  215. Mini-review Direct Dark Mater Detection and recent XENON100 results, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, EPS-HEP 2011, Grenoble, France, July 21st, 2011
  216. DARWIN, M. Schumann, 7th PATRAS workshop on axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Mykonos, July 1st, 2011
  217. Probing light WIMPs with liquid xenon, A. Manalaysay, 7th PATRAS workshop on axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Mykonos, June 30th, 2011
  218. New Results from the XENON100 Dark Matter Experiment, M. Schumann, SPS Meeting 2011, Lausanne, June 18th, 2011
  219. Search for Inelastic Dark Matter with the CDMS experiment, S. Arrenberg, SPS Meeting 2011, Lausanne, June 16th, 2011
  220. Poster: Tests of PMTs for Future Dark Matter Detectors, A. Behrens, SPS Meeting 2011, Lausanne, June 16th - 18th, 2011
  221. New Results from the XENON100 Dark Matter Experiment, M. Schumann, Physikalisches Institut Universität Heidelberg, June 6th, 2011
  222. The XENON100 experiment: results from 100d data, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Seminar, Bonn, May 16th, 2011
  223. Cosmogenics backgrounds in the XENON100 experiment, A. Kish, CAB workshop by DUSEL, Berkeley LBNL, April 15th, 2011
  224. The XENON100 experiment: status and results, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, DPG, Karlsruhe, March 30th, 2011
  225. Dark matter detection with noble liquids, A. Manalaysay, Rencontres de Moriond, Eletroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy, March 18th, 2011
  226. Search for Inelastic Dark Matter with the CDMS experiment, S. Arrenberg, Invited Seminar Talk at LPNHE, Paris, February 10th, 2011
  227. The Search for Dark Matter with XENON, M. Schumann, Seminar, Universität Erlangen, January 19th, 2011
  228. XENON: Results and Prospects, M. Schumann, TPC Symposium 2010, Paris, December 15th, 2010
  229. Direct dark matter search using liquid noble gases, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, TEXAS workshop, Heidelberg, December 09th, 2010
  230. Dark Matter and the XENON Experiment, M. Schumann, Lunch Seminar, Weizmann Institute, Israel, November 4th, 2010
  231. Status of XENON100, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, E15 seminar, Munich, October 30th, 2010
  232. DARWIN, M. Schumann, ASPERA Technology Meeting, Munich, October 22nd, 2010
  233. The Photomultiplier Tubes in the XENON Dark Matter Experiment, A. Behrens, Doktorierendenseminar, Zurich, August 30th, 2010
  234. The Calibration System for the GERDA Experiment, F. Froborg, Doktorierendenseminar, Zurich, August 30th, 2010
  235. Search for Inelastic Dark Matter with the CDMS experiment, S. Arrenberg, Doktorierendenseminar, Zurich, August 30th, 2010
  236. Background Studies for the XENON100 Experiment, A.Kish, Doktorierendenseminar, Zurich, August 30th, 2010
  237. GERDA / EXO, F. Froborg, CHIPP Meeting, Gersau, August 23rd, 2010
  238. The XENON100 Detector for Dark Matter Searches, A. Kish, CHIPP Meeting, Gersau, August 23rd, 2010
  239. XENON and DARWIN, M. Schumann, CHIPP Meeting, Gersau, August 23rd, 2010
  240. Status of the XENON100 experiment, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Darkness Visible, Cambridge, August 3rd, 2010
  241. Search for Dark Matter with the CDMS experiment, S. Arrenberg, Darkness Visible, Cambridge, August 3rd, 2010
  242. XENON100, M. Schumann, IDM2010, Montpellier, July 26th, 2010
  243. Search for Inelastic Dark Matter with the CDMS experiment, S. Arrenberg, IDM2010, Montpellier, July 26th, 2010
  244. Direct dark matter search using liquid noble gases, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, TeVPA, Paris, July 19th, 2010
  245. Dark Matter and the XENON100 Experiment, M. Schumann, CP3 seminar, Universite catholique Louvain, June 24th, 2010
  246. Calibration of the XENON100 PMTs, A. Behrens, SPS meeting 2010, Basel, June 22th, 2010
  247. Dark matter search with the XENON100 experiment, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Joint Astroparticle physics seminar, Dortmund, May 11, 2010
  248. Neutrino astrophysics and particle physics in LAGUNA, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Seminars on Astroparticle physics, DESY, Hamburg, May 03, 2010
  249. Dark matter search with the XENON100 experiment, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Joint EP PP seminar, CERN, Geneva, April 19, 2010
  250. Dark Matter and the XENON100 Experiment, M. Schumann, Particle Physics Seminar, University of Geneva, Geneva, April 14, 2010
  251. Development of a low neutron emission 228Th source for the calibration of GERDA, M. Tarka, DPG, Bonn, Germany, Mar. 19, 2010
  252. The Calibration System for the GERDA Experiment, F. Froborg, DPG, Bonn, Germany, Mar. 19, 2010
  253. Direct dark matter search with the XENON100 experiment, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, DPG, Bonn, Germany, Mar. 15, 2010
  254. Background studies for the XENON100 dark matter search experiment, A.Kish, UCLA Dark Matter, Marina del Rey, USA, Feb. 26, 2010
  255. The XENON100 detector for dark matter searches, A.Kish, CHIPP winter school, Ascona, Switzerland, Jan.23, 2010
  256. Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, F. Froborg, "The New, the Rare and the Beautiful" Workshop in Zurich, Jan. 07, 2010
  257. Response of liquid xenon to low-energy radiation and its use in the search for dark matter, A. Manalaysay, Fermilab Particle Astrophysics Seminar, Batavia IL, USA, Dec. 10, 2009
  258. The dark connection to the LHC, T. Bruch, International Conference on Neutrino Physics in the LHC Era, Luxor, Egypt, Nov. 18, 2009
  259. Dark matter direct detection: The XENON program, R. Santorelli, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 26, 2009
  260. Future detectors for low energy neutrino astronomy: LAGUNA, LENA and Hano-hano, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Neutrino Champagne, Reims, France, Oct. 21, 2009
  261. Monte Carlo Simulations with Geant4 for the XENON100 Detector, A.Kish, Geant4 WS09, Catania, Sicily, Oct. 15, 2009
  262. The XENON100 Dark Matter Experiment, M. Schumann, Max Planck Institut für Physik, Munich, Germany, Sept. 29, 2009
  263. Search for Dark Matter with the CDMS Experiment, S. Arrenberg, WIN09, Perugia, Italy, Sep. 16, 2009
  264. Search for Dark Matter with the CDMS Experiment, S. Arrenberg, SPS meeting 2009, Innsbruck, Sep. 4, 2009 
  265. GERDA experiment: A search for neutrinoless double beta decay, R.Santorelli, SPS meeting 2009, Innsbruck, Sep 4 - 2009
  266. The XENON100 dark matter experiment, R.Santorelli, SPS meeting 2009, Innsbruck, Sep 3 - 2009
  267. Physics of LXe dark matter detectors, A. Manalaysay, UZH Seminar on Particle and Astrophysics, Zuerich,Aug 19, 2009
  268. Poster: Development of a low neutron emission source for the GERDA experiment, M. Tarka, SLAC Summer Institute 2009, CA, USA, Aug 3-14, 2009
  269. Poster: Calibration System for GERDA, F. Froborg, SLAC Summer Institute 2009, Menlo Park, CA, USA,Aug 3-14, 2009
  270. Search for dark matter with liquid xenon, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, E15 Seminar 2009, MünchenJuly 21st, 2009
  271. Status of the XENON100 experiment for WIMP direct detection, A.D.Ferella, EPS-HEP 2009, Krakow, Pl, July 16th, 2009
  272. The XENON100 detector for dark matter searches, A.Kish, PATRAS 09, Durham, UK, July 13, 2009
  273. CDMS-II to SuperCDMS: WIMP search at a zeptobarn, T.Bruch, PATRAS 09, Durham, UK, July 13, 2009
  274. The XENON100 dark matter experiment, R.Santorelli, TeV - PA 2009, SLAC, July 13, 2009
  275. Current status of the XENON100 experiment, E.Tziaferi, Invisible Universe 2009, Paris, July 1st, 2009
  276. Improved understanding of liquid xenon's response in dark matter searches, A. Manalaysay, TAUP 2009, Rome, July 1st, 2009
  277. Search for proton decay and dark matter with liquid scintillators, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, Institute seminar 2009, Zürich, June 27th, 2009
  278. Search for Axions with the CDMS-II Experiment, T. Bruch, Doktorandenseminar 2009, Zürich, June 5th, 2009
  279. A low neutron-emission source for GERDA, M.Tarka, Doktorandenseminar 2009, Zürich, June 5th, 2009
  280. The Calibration System for the GERDA Exeriment, F. Froborg, Doktorandenseminar 2009, Zürich, June 5th, 2009
  281. Low energy neutrino astronomy and particle physics with LENA, T. Marrodan Undagoitia, DPG, LMU Munich, Germany, March 9, 2009
  282. Untergrundstudien fuer das Xenon1t-Projekt, M. Haffke, DPG, LMU Munich, Germany, March 9, 2009
  283. Search for Axions with the CDMS-II Experiment, T. Bruch, DPG, LMU Munich, Germany, March 9, 2009
  284. Die Suche nach der dunklen Materie, S. Arrenberg, Particle Physics Masterclass, Zürich, March 23, 2009
  285. Messung der Gamma-Aktivitaet im Large Volume Detektor im Gran Sasso Untergrundlabor, Y.-F. Te, Bachelor Arbeit Vortrag, 2008
  286. Calibration of the Xenon100 detector, R. Santorelli, Dark Matter at the crossroads, DESY, Hamburg, October 1, 2008
  287. Material screening and background expectation for the Xenon100 experiment, A.D. Ferella, Dark Matter at the crossroads, DESY, Hamburg, October 1, 2008
  288. Die dunkle Seite des Universums
  289. S. Arrenberg, Nacht der Forschung "Forschende im Gespräch", Zürich, September 26, 2008
  290. Light Calibration for the Xenon 100 Detector, A. Kish, Doktorandenseminar2008, Zürich, September 11, 2008
  291. Studies for a Xenon 1t Dark Matter Detector - Gamma Background, M. Haffke, Doktorandenseminar2008, Zürich, September 11, 2008
  292. Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter - Direct Detection vis-a-vis LHC, S. Arrenberg, Doktorandenseminar 2008, Zürich, September 11, 2008
  293. The GERDA Experiment, F. Froborg, CHIPP Planery Meeting, Lausanne, September 05, 2008
  294. Signatures of the Milky Way's Dark Disk in Current and Future Experiments, T. Bruch, IDM 2008, Stockholm, August 18, 2008
  295. Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter - Direct Detection vis-a-vis LHC, S. Arrenberg, IDM 2008, Stockholm, August 18, 2008
  296. The Calibration System for the GERDA Experiment, F. Froborg, ISAPP 2008, Valencia, July 19, 2008
  297. Dark Matter Searches, M. Haffke, Teilchenphysik Seminar, University of Bonn, Bonn, July 17, 2008
  298. Recent results from the CDMS-II experiment, T. Bruch, 4th PATRAS Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, June 19, 2008
  299. Expected background for the XENON100 experiment, E.Tziaferi, 4th PATRAS Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, June 19, 2008
  300. R&Development of Liquid Xenon TPCs for Dark Matter Searches, A. Manalaysay, CHIPP 2008 Workshop on Detector R&D, Geneva, June 12, 2008
  301. Hunting for Dark Matter with the CDMS Experiment, S. Arrenberg, MINOS Collaboration Meeting, Ely, June 11, 2008
  302. The XENON Dark Matter Project, R. Santorelli, Rencontres de Moriond EW 2008, Planibel Hotel, La Thuile, March 6, 2008
  303. Backgrounds of the XENON10 Experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, M. Haffke, Annual Meeting of the DPG, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, March 3, 2008
  304. Material Screening Measurements of XENON100 Detector with GATOR Setup at LNGS, A. Askin, Annual Meeting of the DPG, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, March 3, 2008
  305. Background predictions for the XENON100 Experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, A. Kish, Annual Meeting of the DPG, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, March 3, 2008
  306. New Results from the CDMS-II experiment, T. Bruch, Annual Meeting of the DPG, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, March 3, 2008
  307. The Latest from XENON10 at the Gran Sasso Underground Lab, A. Manalaysay, 8th UCLA Symposium: Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, Marina del Rey Marriott, Marina del Rey, February 22, 2008
  308. New results and status from the XENON10 Dark Matter experiment, A.D. Ferella, UZH Seminar on Particle- and Astrophysics, University ofZürich, November 14, 2007
  309. Hunting WIMPs - the XENON experiment, E. Tziaferi,  11th Meeting of german female physicists, Osnabrück, November 1, 2007
  310. Cryogenic Dark Matter Search, T. Bruch,ETH-University of Zürich PhD Seminar, ETH Zürich, September 14,2007
  311. XENON10 Dark Matter Results: Past, Present, Future, A. Manalaysay, ETH-University of Zürich PhD Seminar, ETHZürich , September 14,2007  
  312. Cryogenic Dark Matter Search, T.Bruch, RWTH Seminar on Particle- and Astroparticlephysics, RWTH Aachen, July 9,2007
  313. Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment status and future: CDMS to SuperCDMS, T. Bruch, 13th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Imperial College London, July 5, 2007
  314. Results from the XENON10 Dark Matter search experiment at Gran SassoLaboratories, A. D. Ferella, 13th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Imperial College London, July 5, 2007
  315. First Results from the XENON10 Experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Lab, A. Manalaysay, RWTH Seminar on Particle - and Astroparticlephysics, RWTH Aachen, May 25, 2007  
  316. Nuclear Recoil Discrimination in the XENON10 Detector, A. Manalaysay, Annual April Meeting of the APS, Jacksonville Florida,April 14, 2007
  317. XENON10: Search For Dark Matter with a Noble Liquid TPC
  318. A. Manalaysay, RWTH-Aachen Graduate College Seminar, DPG Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, August 31, 2006
  319. Dark Matter: The Search for Missing Mass in the Universe, A. Manalaysay, Newberry Public Library Lectures Series, Newberry Florida, February 16, 2006
  320. Liquid Xenon Techniques for Dark Matter Detection, A. Manalaysay, South Eastern regional meeting of the APS, Gainsville Florida, November 10, 2005