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Physik-Institut Group of Laura Baudis


Particle and Nuclear Physics II (PHY213)

Proseminar in experimental physics (PHY291)


Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


Direct dark matter detection

ISAPP 2024: Particle Candidates for Dark Matter, Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, Padova, July 2024


Proseminar in experimental physics (PHY291)


Physik III (PHY131)


Neutrinoless double beta decay: theory and experiments

MAYORANA International School, Modica, July 2023


Noble Liquid Detectors

TSI/GRIDS2023: Graduate Instrumentation and Detector School, TRIUMF, June 2023


Proseminar in experimental physics


Physik III (PHY131)


Noble liquid detectors

SOUP2022: the second INFN school on underground physics, June 2022


Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)

Proseminar in experimental physics


Physik III (PHY131)


Kern- und Teilchenphysik II (PHY231)

Proseminar in experimental physics


Kern- und Teilchenphysik I (PHY211)


Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


Kern- und Teilchenphysik II (PHY213)

Proseminar in experimental physics


Kern- und Teilchenphysik I (PHY211)

Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


Physik III (PHY131/PHY139)

Proseminar in experimental physics

Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


Physik III (PHY131/PHY139)

Proseminar in experimental physics

Dark matter detection
PSI summer school, Exothiggs, Zuoz, August 2016

Dark matter detection
Master classes, Physics at FOM, Veldhoven, January 2016


Proseminar in experimental physics


Dark matter and detectors
Excellence in detectors and instrumentation (EDIT) school Frascati, October 2015


Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


FS 2013 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik II (PHY213)


FS 2013 (UZH): Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


HS 2012 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik I (PHY211)


FS 2012 (UZH): Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


March 2012 (University of Sao Paulo): Dark matter mini course (4 lectures)


FS 2011 (ETH/UZH): Phänomenologie der Teilchenphysik II (PHY451)


FS 2011 (UZH): Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


February 2011 (Weizmann Institute of Science): Dark matter searches (5 lectures)


HS 2010 (ETH/UZH): Phänomenologie der Teilchenphysik I (PHY451)


HS 2010 (UZH): Proseminar in Experimentalphysik


FS 2010 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik II (PHY213)


FS 2010 (UZH): Experimental Astroparticle Physics (PHY465)


HS 2009 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik I (PHY211)


HS 2009 (UZH): Proseminar in Experimentalphysik


September 2009 (BND Graduate School): Dark Matter Searches

2008 FS 2008 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik II (PHY213)

HS 2008 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik I (PHY211)

HS 2008 (UZH): Proseminar in Experimentalphysik

July 2008 (Summer School in Cosmology, ICTP Trieste): Dark matter

FS 2007 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik II (PHY213)


HS 2007 (UZH): Kern- und Teilchenphysik I (PHY211)


HS 2007 (UZH): Proseminar in Experimentalphysik

2006 - 2007 SS 2007 (RWTH Aachen): Astronomy and Astrophysics II

SS 2007 (RWTH Aachen): Dunkle Materie (Experimente)

WS 2006/2007 (RWTH Aachen): Astronomy and Astrophysics I

October 2006 (School for astroparticle physics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg):
Low-background, deep-underground experiments

Spring 2006 (UFL): Advanced Laboratory

Fall 2005 (UFL): Topics in astroparticle physics


Fall 2004 (UFL): Physics with calculus


October 2004 (Heidelberger Graduiertenkurse, Univ. of Heidelberg): Dark Matter Searches