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Physik-Institut Group of Laura Baudis


Curriculum Vitae Laura Baudis


07 - present Professor of Physics, University of Zurich
06-07 Lichtenberg Professor for Astroparticle Physics (W3), RWTH-Aachen
03-06 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville
00-03 Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics Department, Stanford University
99-00 Research Associate in Non-Accelerator Particle Physics, MPIK, Heidelberg
97-99 Research Assistant, MPIK, Heidelberg


1999 Ph.D. in Physics: experimental particle astrophysics, University of Heidelberg
1997 Diplom in Physics, non-accelerator particle physics, University of Heidelberg
1996 Language certificate: Italian, French, Language Center, University of Heidelberg
1993 Vordiplom in Physics, University of Heidelberg
1991 Abitur, Geschwister-Scholl Gymnasium, Mannheim
1988 Bacalaureat, Lyceum for Mathematics and Physics, Timisoara

Fellowships, awards, positions

Chair, Physics Department, UZH (deputy chair from 2020-2024)
Kavli IPMU affiliate member, 2024-2025
Charpak-Ritz Prize, 2022
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, 2021
Visiting Miller Professorship, University of California, Berkeley, spring 2020
ERC Advanced Grant, 2017
APS Fellow, 2015
Canada Excellence Research Chair, 2013 (declined)
Lichtenberg Professorship by the VW-Foundation, 2006
NSF Career Award, 2005
Fellowship of the Heidelberg Graduiertenkolleg "Experimental methods in nuclear and particle physics", 1997-1999

International collaborations

DARWIN spokesperson (DARWIN project coordinator until 2018)
XENON science strategy chair; collaboration board chair (until Dec 2019); co-spokesperson (until 2017)
LEGEND steering committee
XLZD executive board
HIDDeN and ASYMMETRY Swiss node coordinator

Current committees, advisory and editorial boards

Associate editor (editor in chief 2016-2020) for EJP-C; editorial board of JoPG; editorial college SciPost
Research Committee for Particle Physics at the Ring Cyclotron at PSI
KIT advisory board; Member of Julius-Wess Award Committee (Chair in 2021)

Scientific Council, PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence, Mainz

Scientific Advisory Board of Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences
International Advisory Committee of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI), Shanghai
International Advisory Committee for CIEMAT, Particle Physics, Madrid
Hyper-Kamiokande Project Advisory Committee
ICFA Instrumentation Award Committee

Selection of past committees, advisory and editorial boards

CERN Scientific Policy Committee (2016-2021)
APPEC Scientific Advisory Committee (chair 2018 - 2020)
SNF Steering Committee of the evaluation panel "Horizon Europe Transitional Measures"
Chair of IBS CUP 8th and 11th year evaulation panel (2021, 2024)
SAC of Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich