Curriculum Vitae Laura Baudis
07 - present |
Professor of Physics, University of Zurich |
06-07 |
Lichtenberg Professor for Astroparticle Physics (W3), RWTH-Aachen |
03-06 |
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville |
00-03 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics Department, Stanford University |
99-00 |
Research Associate in Non-Accelerator Particle Physics, MPIK, Heidelberg |
97-99 |
Research Assistant, MPIK, Heidelberg |
1999 |
Ph.D. in Physics: experimental particle astrophysics, University of Heidelberg |
1997 |
Diplom in Physics, non-accelerator particle physics, University of Heidelberg |
1996 |
Language certificate: Italian, French, Language Center, University of Heidelberg |
1993 |
Vordiplom in Physics, University of Heidelberg |
1991 |
Abitur, Geschwister-Scholl Gymnasium, Mannheim |
1988 |
Bacalaureat, Lyceum for Mathematics and Physics, Timisoara |
Fellowships, awards, positions
Chair, Physics Department, UZH (deputy chair from 2020-2024) |
Kavli IPMU affiliate member, 2024-2025 |
Charpak-Ritz Prize, 2022 |
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, 2021 |
Visiting Miller Professorship, University of California, Berkeley, spring 2020 |
ERC Advanced Grant, 2017 |
APS Fellow, 2015 |
Canada Excellence Research Chair, 2013 (declined) |
Lichtenberg Professorship by the VW-Foundation, 2006 |
NSF Career Award, 2005 |
Fellowship of the Heidelberg Graduiertenkolleg "Experimental methods in nuclear and particle physics", 1997-1999 |
International collaborations
DARWIN spokesperson (DARWIN project coordinator until 2018) |
XENON science strategy chair; collaboration board chair (until Dec 2019); co-spokesperson (until 2017) |
LEGEND steering committee |
XLZD executive board |
HIDDeN and ASYMMETRY Swiss node coordinator |
Current committees, advisory and editorial boards
Associate editor (editor in chief 2016-2020) for EJP-C; editorial board of JoPG; editorial college SciPost |
Research Committee for Particle Physics at the Ring Cyclotron at PSI |
KIT advisory board; Member of Julius-Wess Award Committee (Chair in 2021) |
Scientific Council, PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence, Mainz
Scientific Advisory Board of Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
International Advisory Committee of the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI), Shanghai |
International Advisory Committee for CIEMAT, Particle Physics, Madrid |
Hyper-Kamiokande Project Advisory Committee |
ICFA Instrumentation Award Committee |
Selection of past committees, advisory and editorial boards
CERN Scientific Policy Committee (2016-2021) |
APPEC Scientific Advisory Committee (chair 2018 - 2020) |
SNF Steering Committee of the evaluation panel "Horizon Europe Transitional Measures" |
Chair of IBS CUP 8th and 11th year evaulation panel (2021, 2024) |
SAC of Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich |