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Physik-Institut Group of Laura Baudis


  1. Tests of the Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics with Low-Background Experiments and Detector Technologies for Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chambers, A. Bismark, 2024

  2. Advancing Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Search with LEGEND and MONUMENT, and Exploring Passive Neutrino Detectors with PALEOCCENE (PDF, 18 MB), G. R. Araujo, 2023
  3. Calibration of the LEGEND-200 Experiment to Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Searches for Signatures of New Physics with the GERDA Experiment (PDF, 48 MB), Y. Müller, 2023
  4. Advancing Multi-Messenger Astrophysics and Dark Matter Searches with XENONnT and the Top SiPM Array of Xenoscope (PDF, 61 MB), R. Peres, 2023
  5. Characterization and Monitoring of XENONnT Photosensors and Search for New Physics with the First XENONnT Science Data (PDF, 17 MB), G. Volta, 2023
  6. Design, Construction, and Operation of Xenoscope and Photosensor Characterisation for the DARWIN Observatory (PDF, 69 MB), F. Girard, 2023
  7. Sensitivity of DARWIN to Rare Events and the Purity Monitor for Xenoscope (PDF, 67 MB), Y. Biondi, 2022
  8. The Low-Energy and Large-Scale Frontier of Dual-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chambers for Dark Matter Search (PDF, 61 MB), K. Thieme, 2022
  9. Energy Calibration for the Gerda and Legend-200 Experiments (PDF, 40 MB), C. Ransom, 2021
  10. Search for Dark Matter and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in XENON1T and Calibration of the Photosensors in XENONnT (PDF, 32 MB), C. Capelli, 2020
  11. Search for Elastic and Inelastic Dark Matter Interactions in XENON1T and Light Detection for XENONnT (PDF, 14 MB), A. Brown, 2020
  12. Characterisation of Inverted Coaxial Detectors and Calibration Source Production for the GERDA Experiment (PDF, 54 MB), M. Miloradovic, 2020
  13. Calibration, Background Study, and Search for New Physics with the GERDA Experiment (PDF, 61 MB), R. Mingazheva, 2019
  14. Direct Dark Matter Search with XENON1T and Developments for Multi-Ton Liquid Xenon Detectors (PDF, 52 MB), J. Wulf, 2018
  15. Materials Radioassay for the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment, and Development of a Time-projection Chamber for the Study of Low-energy Nuclear Recoils in Liquid Xenon, F. Piastra, 2017
  16. The Photosensor Calibration System for the XENON1T Dark Matter Search Experiment, and Responce of Liquid Xenon to Low-energy Neutron Interactions, P. Pakarha, 2017
  17. Photomultiplier Tubes for the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment and Studies on the XENON100 Electromagnetic Background, D. Mayani Paras, 2017
  18. Searching for Dark Matter with XENON100, Research and Development for XENON1T, and Modulating Radioactive Decay Rates (PDF, 55 MB), P. Barrow, 2016
  19. Inelastic WIMP-Nucleus Interactions in XENON100 and Cables and Connectors for XENON1T, G. Kessler, 2016
  20. Data Reconstruction and Analysis for the GERDA Experiment (PDF, 12 MB), G. Benato, 2015
  21. Background Reduction Techniques for the GERDA Experiment, M. Walter, 2015
  22. Light Detectors for the XENON100 and XENON1T Dark Matter Search Experiments, A. Behrens, 2013
  23. Studies of Neutron Flux Suppression from a Gamma-ray Source and the GERDA Calibration System, M. Tarka, 2012
  24. Calibration of Phase I of the GERDA Double Beta Decay Experiment, F. Froborg, 2012
  25. Material Screening and Selection for the XENON100 Dark Matter Experiment, A. Askin, 2012
  26. Dark Matter Search with the XENON100 Experiment, A. Kish, 2011
  27. Searching for Dark Matter with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment, S. Arrenberg, 2011
  28. Studien des externen Untergrunds eines XENON Detektors auf Tonnenskala zum Nachweis von Dunkler Materie, M. Haffke, 2010
  29. A Search for Weakly Interacting Particles with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment, T. Bruch, 2010
  30. Response of liquid xenon to low-energy ionizing radiation and its use in the XENON10 Dark Matter search, A. Manalaysay, 2009
  31. Gamma background studies for the XENON experiment using a high purity germanium detector, J. Angle, 2008


  1. Characterization of the Novel Hamamatsu R12699-406-M4 2” Photomultiplier Tube in Xenon for the DARWIN Experiment (PDF, 12 MB), M. Adrover, 2023
  2. Position Reconstruction with a SiPM Array in Xenoscope, a Vertical DARWIN Demonstrator (PDF, 7 MB)
    , S. Ouahada, 2023
  3. Development of Analysis Methods for Detecting Color Centers in Crystals (PDF, 10 MB), V. Aerne, 2023
  4. Search for radiation from wave function collapse and electric field characterization in XENONnT (PDF, 23 MB), L. Redard-Jacot, 2022
  5. Cosmic Muons to Calibrate Xenoscope (PDF, 22 MB), S. Joshi, 2022
  6. Background Measurement and MC Simulations for the DARWIN Demonstrator (PDF, 18 MB), S. Hochrein, 2021
  7. Dark Matter Electron Scattering with Xurich-II (PDF, 7 MB), S. Buse, 2021
  8. Low Energy Calibration for GERDA and Characterization of Wavelength-Shifters and Reflectors in Liquid Argon for LEGEND-200 (PDF, 12 MB), V. Wu, 2021
  9. Simulations for a 2.6 m tall dual-phase xenon time projection chamber (PDF, 24 MB), R. S. Yajur, 2020
  10. Characterization of Novel VUV-Silicon Photomultipliers and their Application in Xenon-Based Dual-Phase TPCs (PDF, 10 MB), C. Marentini, 2018
  11. Medición de la producción de carga y fotones en retrocesos electrónicos de baja energía en xenón líquido (Measurements of Charge and Light yield for low energy electronic recoils in Liquid Xenon), Y. Biondi, 2017
  12. Characterization of Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays in Liquid Xenon and Development of Dedicated Read-out Electronics, S. D'Amato, 2016
  13. Design of a Dual-phase Xenon TPC with Hybrid Photosensor Array, A. Gmuer, 2016
  14. Emanation Measurement System and GERDA Phase II Calibration, M. Miloradovic, 2015
  15. Characterization and Calibration of a Liquid Xenon Time-Projection Chamber, H. Dujmovic, 2014
  16. Electrostatic Field Simulations and Low-Temperature Measurements for a Xenon-based Dual-Phase Noble Gas Dark Matter Detector, J. Wulf, 2013
  17. Preparations for measurements of the low energy response of liquid xenon, P. Pakarha, 2012
  18. Kalibrierung von Flüssig-Xenon-Detektoren zur Suche nach dunkler Materie im Universum , C. Geis, 2011
  19. Vergleich von Kalibrationsdaten des Xenondetektors mit Monte Carlo Simulationen und Simulationen des externen Untergrundes, M. Bissok, 2008
  20. Abschaetzung des Neutronenuntergrundes durch die Detektormaterialien sowie Bestimmung einer Grenze fuer spin-abhaengige und -unabhaengige Wechselwirkungsquerschnitte der dunklen Materie fuer XENON10, S. Schulte, 2007
  21. Simulation of the (alpha,n)-induced Background in the CDMS-II Dark Matter Search Experiment,M. Tarka, 2007
  22. Searching for Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter Candidates with the CDMS experiment, S. Arrenberg, 2007


  1. Calibration data analysis for LEGEND-200 (PDF, 8 MB), E. Tapia Peñas, 2024
  2. Characterisation of the readout circuit of an upgraded SiPM array for Xenoscope (PDF, 19 MB), T. Maher, 2024
  3. Analysis of the radioactive decay rate of Co-60 (PDF, 1 MB), A. Nalbantis, 2024
  4. Characterisation of Silicon Photomultipliers for Xenoscope (PDF, 25 MB), J. Haas, 2023
  5.  A Search for Neutron Disappearance in GERDA (PDF, 6 MB), A. Schneuwly, 2021
  6. Sensitivity of the DARWIN experiment to axions and axion-like particles (PDF, 3 MB), L. Redard-Jacot, 2020
  7. Calibration of the first dual-phase xenon time projection chamber with silicon pho- tomultiplier readout (PDF, 11 MB), S. Hochrein, 2019
  8. Energy Calibration and Fiducial Volume Selection for the XENON1T Experiment in the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Regime, (PDF, 10 MB) S. Buse, 2019
  9. Data processing and analysis of the modulation experiment (PDF, 5 MB) , S. Javet, 2019
  10. Characterization of NaI(Tl) Detectors for a Radioactive Decay Rate Modulation Search Experiment, M. Gienal, 2017
  11. A Facility for XENON Photosensors Characterization and Measurements of Photocathode Uniformity, S. D'Amato, 2014
  12. Monte Carlo Simulation of a Liquid Xenon Detector Response to Low-Energy Neutrons, D. Biasini, 2014
  13. Photomultiplier Tube Tests in Liquid Xenon for Direct Dark Matter Detection Experiments, A. Gmuer, 2013
  14. Avalanche Photodiode (APD) Testing in Liquid Xenon, M. Miloradovic, 2013
  15. Simulation and Optimization of the Electric Field in a Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chamber, H. Dujmovic, 2012
  16. Neutron Background Monitoring for XENON100, E. Crivelli, 2012
  17. Calibration of a Germanium Detector, L. van der Schaaf, 2012
  18. Messung der Gamma-Aktivitaet im Large Volume Detektor im Gran Sasso Untergrundlabor, Y.-F.Te, 2008