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Physik-Institut Group of Laura Baudis

Final Results of GERDA

GERDA has reported its final results on the search for the neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay of 76Ge in the recent issue of Physical Review Letters.

No signal has been observed, but all goals of the final phase of the experiment have been achieved.

The reported lower limit for the 0νββ half-life of 1.8x1026 yr coincides with the expected value for the sensitivity of the experiment; a more stringent value for the decay of any 0νββ isotope has been measured never before. Similarly, the reported background rate of 5.2x10-4 counts/(kg∙yr∙keV) in the signal region is second to none in the field, demonstrating not only the feasibility of a background-free experiment at high exposure but also providing the foundation for a next generation experiment with significantly higher sensitivity. More details can be found  here.
