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Physik-Institut Group of Laura Baudis

Research associates and postdocs

Dr. Martin Auger was a postdoctoral fellow working on XENON1T. He continued in the field as a research associate at Bern University working on radiation detectors for neutrino and medical physics.

Dr. Pin-Jung Chiu was a postdoc working on GERDA/LEGEND experiments, joining our group in 2022 after finishing her PhD at the ETH/PSI. In February 2025 she started as an assistant professor at the National Taiwan University.

Prof. Dr. Alfredo Ferella was a postdoctoral fellow working on XENON, GERDA, and DARWIN. After a few years as a research associate in Stockholm, working on XENON1T/nT and DARWIN, he joined the University of L'Aquila as an associate professor of physics.

Dr. Domenico Franco was a postdoc working on the XENON1T experiment. Afterwards  he became an associate research scientist at Yale University, working in neutrino physics.

Dr. Michelle Galloway came as a postdoc in 2014 and worked on the XENON100 through XENONnT experiments and later on DARWIN. She transitioned to Oberassistant then Senior Scientist, leaving in 2024 for a position in solar and stellar research at the University of Bern. 

Dr. Kiran Kumar Guthikonda was a postdoctoral fellow on the GERDA experiment. He is now an assistant professor in the Department of Physics at Koneru Lakshmaiah University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.

Dr. Roman Hiller was a postdoctoral fellow working on the GERDA and LEGEND experiments. He is now a research scientist at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology working on the KATRIN experiment.

Dr. Junting Huang was a postdoctoral fellow working on the GERDA and LEGEND experiments. Afterwards he became an associate professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University working on the JUNO and PandaX experiments.

Dr. Shingo Kazama was a JSPS postdoctoral fellow in our group working on XENON. He is now an Associate Professor at Nagoya University, working on XENONnT and DARWIN.

Dr. Alex Kish earned his PhD in our group. He continued as a postdoc and research associate within the XENON collaboration. After leaving our group, he worked on the DarkSide experiment at CERN. He is now a permanent researcher at Fermilab.

Dr. Samuel Leclercq was a postdoc in our group at the University of Florida, where he worked on the CDMS experiment.

Dr. Alessandro Manfredini was a postdoc on the XENON and DARWIN experiments. In 2021 he joined the company Arktis in Zurich as a software engineer/physicist in the field of radiation detection.

Dr. Teresa Marrodan Undagoitia was a Fedor Lynen fellow and later a postdoc working on XENON. She is now a permanent researcher at MPIK Heidelberg, where she focusses on the XENON and DARWIN projects.

Dr. Neil McFadden was a postdoc working on DARWIN R&D and LEGEND-1000. After leaving our group in 2021, he joined Kairos Aerospace in California as a Senior Sensor Scientist working in the field of environmental protection.

Dr. Joerg Orboeck was a postdoc in our group at the University of Florida and later at RWTH Aachen, working on the XENON10 experiment.

Dr. Shayne Reichard was a postdoc working on the XENON and DARWIN experiments. In July 2020 he continued on XENON/DARWIN as a postdoctoral researcher at Karlsruhe Institue of Tehnology.

Dr. Patricia Sanchez was a postdoc working on the DARWIN and XENON experiments. She received a Juan de la Cierva fellowship to join the Astroparticle Physics Group of the University of Granada in 2022, with a research focus on photosensor R&D for Ar TPCs, specifically for the DUNE experiment.

Dr. Roberto Santorelli was a postdoc working on the XENON100 and GERDA experiments. He is currently a permanent researcher at Ciemat in Madrid, working on DarkSide and DUNE.

Prof. Dr. Marc Schumann was a research associate in our group from 2009 to 2013. He then moved as assistant professor to the University of Bern, and is now a full professor at the University of Freiburg-im_Breisgau. He works on the XENON and DARWIN projects. (homepage)

Dr. Eirini Tziaferi was a postdoc working on XENON100. Afterwards she became a research associate at the University of Athens, working on the CMS experiment at CERN.

Dr. Yuehuan Wei was a postdoc working on XENON100 and XENON1T. He later continued at UCSD as a postdoc working on XENON1T/nT. In 2021 he joined the Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology at Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) in China as an associate professor and member of the PandaX collaboration.

Laboratory Technicians

Jonathan Franchi worked as a technician in our group from 2021 to 2023.  He is now working as a Technical Manager for a top consulting firm in Switzerland. 

Lars Iven was a technician in our group from 2018 to 2020, working primarily on the XENONnT experiment.

Andreas James was a technician in our group from June 2011 to December 2017.  He is now the Technician for the undergraduate demonstration experiments at UZH.

Doctoral students

Dr. Jesse Angle was a PhD student in our group at the University of Florida, working on the XENON10 experiment.

Dr. Sebastian Arrenberg was a diploma and later a PhD student in our group, working on the CDMS experiment. He is currently employed at an insurance company in Zurich.

Prof. Dr. Ali Askin was a PhD student working on the XENON100 experiment. He is now an associate professor at Munzur University in Turkey.

Dr. Peter Barrow was a PhD student working on XENON100, XENON1T and the modulation experiment. He is currently a data scientist at Credit Suisse in Zurich.

Dr. Annika Behrens was a PhD student working on the XENON100 and XENON1T experiments. She is now a research associate at the Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial physics in Munich.

Dr. Giovanni Benato was a PhD student on the GERDA experiment. After a postdoctoral fellowship at UC Berkeley working on the CUORE project, he is now an assistant professort at GSSI in L'Aquila.

Dr. Yanina Biondi was a master and later PhD student working on the DARWIN experiment. From 2022, she became a postdoctoral research fellow at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, working on the DARWIN and the KATRIN experiments.

Dr. Adam Brown was a PhD student on the XENON1T/nT experiments. After graduating in 2020, he began a postdoctoral position at the University of Freiburg to work on the XENON and DARWIN experiments.

Dr. Chiara Capelli was a PhD student on the XENON1T/nT experiments. After graduating in 2020, she began a postdoctoral position at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to work on the CUORE/CUPID experiments. She rejoined our group as a senior resercher in 2024.

Dr. Tobias Bruch was a PhD student on the CDMS experiment, and later a postdoc on GERDA and XENON100. He works as a lead product application specialist at GE Oil and Gas.

Dr. Francis Froborg was a PhD student working on the first phase of GERDA. After completing a postdoc at Princeton University and at Imperial College London, she is now a consultant at the AWK Group in Zurich.

Dr. Frédéric Girard was a PhD student working on a demonstrator for the DARWIN experiment. In 2023 he began as CNRS postdoctoral researcher at the  Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies, in Paris, also on the DARWIN experiment.

Dr. Marijke Haffke was a PhD student working on the XENON100 project. She works as a dog trainer in Aachen.

Dr. Gaudenz Kessler was a PhD student on XENON100 and XENON1T. He is now working as a software engineer at the IT consulting company emineo in Zurich.

Dr. Aaron Manalaysay was a PhD student at the University of Florida, at RWTH Aachen and in Zurich, and later a postdoc in our group, working on XENON and DARWIN. He is a permanent researcher at LBNL, working on the LZ dark matter experiment.

Dr. Daniel Mayani Paras was a PhD student on the XENON100 and XENON1T projects. He is currently working at DECTRIS, a Swiss company focussed on developing photon-counting X-ray detectors.

Dr. Michael Miloradovic was a PhD student on the GERDA project.

Dr. Rizalina Mingazheva was a PhD student on the GERDA project. She is currently working at DECTRIS, a Swiss company focussed on developing photon-counting X-ray detectors.

Dr. Yannick Müller was a PhD student on the GERDA and LEGEND experiments. He graduated in late 2023 and began working as a data scientist for the customer analytics group of Viseca, a Swiss payment provider located in Zurich.

Dr. Payam Pakarha was a master and later PhD student working on the XENON1T experiment and on the Xurich project. After a few years as a postdoctoral researcher at Queens University in Canada with the SuperCDMS experiment, he is now a data scientist at the Royal Bank of Canada in Toronto.

Dr. Ricardo Peres was a PhD student working on the XENONnT experiment and on the development of photosensors for Xenoscope. After a few months as a postdoc in our group he moved to Imperial College London to continue working on the XLZD experiment.

Dr. Francesco Piastra was a PhD student working on XENON, the Gator low-background counting facility, and the Xurich TPC. Afterwards he did a postdoc at the University of Bern working on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). He rejoined our group as a technical lead in 2023.

Mariana Rajado Silva was a PhD student working on XENONnT analysis and DARWIN hardware development.

Dr. Chloe Ransom contributed to the GERDA and LEGEND experiments and was a member of the Elusives ITN project. After completing her doctoral degree in our group in early 2020, she started working as a Data Scientist/ML Engineer at Xovis.

Dr. Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo was a PhD student working on the GERDA/LEGEND experiments, as well as the PALEOCCENE and Monument projects. After spending a few months as a postdoc in our group she began her carrer in the private sector.

Dr. Michal Tarka was a diploma student working on CDMS and later a PhD student on the first phase a GERDA. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at University of Massachusetts working on the nEXO project.

Dr. Kevin Thieme was a PhD student on the DARWIN observatory within the Xenoscope project. After finishing his PhD studies, he began to work on the DarkSide-20k experiment as a postdoctoral research fellow of the University of Hawai'i, stationed at CERN.

Dr. Giovanni Volta was a PhD student on the XENON experiment and graduated in 2023. He later joined MPIK in Heidelberg as a postdoctoral researcher, also on the XENON experiment.

Dr. Manuel Walter was a PhD student working on the first phase of the GERDA experiment. 

Dr. Julien Wulf was a PhD student working on the XENON and DARWIN experiments. Afterwards he joined Credit Suisse in Zurich as a data scientist.


Master and bachelor students

Valentino Aerne was a master student working on data analysis for PALEOCCENE. After that, he moved to industry and works doing data analysis in a private company. 

Dario Biasini was a bachelor student working on the Xurich-II time projection chamber.

Martin Bissok was a diploma student at RWTH Aachen, working on the XENON experiment. After completing his PhD at RWTH Aachen, he worked as a consultant in Frankfurt.

Yuri van der Burg was a bachelor student working on the characterization of Hamamatsu R12699-406-M4 PMTs at room-temperature for DARWIN.

Simon Buse was a bachelor student working on XENON1T analysis. He continued as a master student in our group to study dark matter- electron scattering with the Xurich detector.

Enzio Crivelli was a bachelor student working on a small LiF neutron monitor for XENON100. He continued his research in the LCHb group at UZH.

Sandro D'Amato was a bachelor and master student working photosensor (PMT and SiPM) studies at room temperature and in liquid xenon. He now works as a radiation safety specialist with Suva in Switzerland.

Hrvoje Dujmovic was a bachelor and master student working on the Xurich time projection chamber. He later became a postdoctoral fellow at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, working on the IceCube experiment.

Christopher Geis was a diploma student working on the Xurich TPC. After completing a PhD on the XENON1T experiment in Mainz, he began work as an engineer in industry.

Andrea Gmuer was a bachelor and a master student working on XENON1T and the Xurich TPC, respectively.

Julian Haas was a bachelor student working on silicon photomultiplier characterisation for the DARWIN demonstrator.

Stefan Hochrein was a bachelor student working on Xurich-II analysis. He rejoined the group for his master project on the Xenoscope demonstrator for DARWIN. After graduating, he started his civil service in the swiss avalanche research center in Davos. 

Swayamsiddha Joshi was a master student working on calibrating the Xenoscope demonstrator with cosmic muons. 

Thomas Maher was a bachelors student working on the test and characterisation of readout circuits used in SiPM arrays.

Chris Marentini was a master student working on temperature-dependent characterisations of SiPM arrays and on their future application in large-scale, dual phase TPCs.

Amadeo Nalbantis was a bachelors student working on data analysis for the modulation experiment. Currently, he works for an IT  company in the area of controlling and project management.

Sana Ouahada was a master student working on position reconstruction with a SiPM array for the DARWIN demonstrator. She rejoined our group as a PhD student in 2024.

Livio Redard-Jacot was a bachelors student in our group, working on sensitivity studies for the DARWIN experiment. Afterwards, he completed his masters in the group on the XENON experiment.

Benedikt Roidl has studied Aerospace engineering in Aachen and Munich and has graduated in spring 2006. In our group at RWTH Aachen, he was involved in the XENON100 experiment and later went to the Concordial University in Montreal.

Laura van der Schaaf was a bachelor student working on a small Ge detector in the framework of GERDA. She later became a PhD student with the LIGO and VIRGO projects at the University of Amsterdam.

Aline Schneuwly was a bachelor student in our group working on a search for nucleon disappearance with the GERDA experiment. In 2021 she began her graduate studies in environmental physics at ETH.

Stephan Schulte was a diploma student in our group at RWTH Aachen, working on the XENON experiment. He completed PhD thesis on the Pierre Auger experiment at the University of Amsterdam.

Esteban Tapia Peñas was a bachelor student working on the analysis of the calibration data of the LEGEND-200 experiment.

Yiea-Funk Te was a bachelor student working on low-background techniques for XENON. He later began his PhD studies at the ETH Zurich.

Peter Wegmann was a bachelor student working on the Gator low-background spectrometer at LNGS.

Vera Hiu-Sze Wu was a master student working on the GERDA and LEGEND experiments. After graduating in 2021, she started her PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to work on the DARWIN experiment.