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Schrödinger Colloquium

Position Statement

Erwin Schrödinger was a professor at the Physics department of the University of Zurich from 1921 until 1927. In this time he developed the famous Schrödinger equation. He is known as one of the founders of quantum mechanics.
It is also known and mentioned in his 1989 biography by W. Moore that the scientist was attracted to young and possibly under-aged women, an issue recently brought to attention by articles in the Irish Times and several German language newspapers. These articles particularly expressed suspicion of sexual abuse of minors.  They are all based on Moore’s book, but also change some of the facts. At present many facts are disputed  but the articles at the very least rise ethic concerns. Society as a whole and global consciousness have changed in the past years and and it is important to re-evaluate the aura of individuals and organisations when discussing information about past misconduct.

The Physics Department UZH recognises the current international discussion and reappraisal of this sensitive topic and states that the Schrödinger Colloquium purely honours the scientific work and legacy of a great physicist. A process to re-evaluating the future of this lecture series is ongoing.


Erwin Schrödinger war von 1921 bis 1927 Professor Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich. In dieser Zeit entwickelte er die berühmte Schrödinger-Gleichung. Er gilt als einer der Begründer der Quantenmechanik

Es ist auch bekannt und wird in seiner Biografie von W. Moore aus dem Jahr 1989 erwähnt, dass sich der Wissenschaftler zu jungen und möglicherweise minderjährigen Frauen hingezogen fühlte - ein Thema, das kürzlich durch Artikel in der Irish Times und mehreren deutschsprachigen Zeitungen ins Bewusstsein gerückt wurde. In diesen Artikeln wurde insbesonders der Verdacht auf sexuellen Missbrauch Minderjähriger geäussert. Sie basieren alle auf dem Buch von Moore, ändern aber auch einige der Fakten ab.  Zur Zeit sind viele Behauptungen umstritten aber die Artikel werfen auf jeden Fall ethische Bedenken auf. Die Gesellschaft als Ganzes und das globale Bewusstsein haben sich verändert und es ist wichtig, Personen und Organisationen neu zu bewerten, wenn Informationen über vergangenes Fehlverhalten diskutiert werden.

Das Physik-Institut der UZH anerkennt die internationale Diskussion und Aufarbeitung dieses sensiblen Themas und erklärt, dass das Schrödinger-Kolloquium ausschliesslich die wissenschaftliche Arbeit und das Vermächtnis eines grossen Physikers ehrt. Ein Prozess zur Neubewertung der Zukunft dieser Vortragsreihe ist im Gange. 


A new series of special physics colloquia in honor of the scientific legacy of Erwin Schroedinger, who was a professor at UZH from 1921 to 1927. Lectures are intended for a broad audience from the Faculty of Science, aiming at experts and non-experts.

Universität Zürich, Physik-Institut Irchel Campus
Seminar Room: Y16 G15
Time: 16:15
Refreshements after lecture
Organized by    L. Baudis, F. Canelli

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2025 Series


May 15

room: Y15 G 19

Bill Bialek
Princeton University
April 14

Mark Thomson
CERN, Director General designate

March 3 Mike Headley
SURF, Lab Director

The Sanford Underground Reserch Faciltiy (SURF)
  (PDF, 16 KB)



2024 Series

October 7 Luciano Maiani
Rome University "La Sapienza" & CERN
Exotic Hadrons: Successes and Mysteries  maiani
April 26 Beate Heinemann
DESY & Universität Hamburg

Particle Physics Through the Ages: A Century of Discoveries and the Road Ahead

February 26

Roberto Trotta
SISSA & Imperial Collage London

The Promise of Machine Learning for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics



2023 Series

December 4

Daniel Akerib
Stanford University

The Search for WIMP Dark Matter with Massive Liquid Xenon Detectors

  (PDF, 2 MB)
November 13

Arzu Çöltekin
UAS Northwestern FHNW

Visualization of Science and a Science of Visualization

  (PDF, 8 MB)


2022 Series

June 13 Elena Aprile
Columbia University
The XENON Project: At the Forefront of Dark Matter Direct Detection  aprile
May 9 Nicola Spaldin
ETH Zürich
New Materials for a New Age  spaldin


2021 Series

November 22
Astrid Kiendler-Scharr
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Climate Change and Air Quality: where are we heading?  kiendler-scharr


2020 Series

May 18
Zhi-Xun Shen
Stanford University
March 30
John Peacock
Royal Observatory Edinburgh
Cosmology from large-scale structure: concordance and discordance  Peacock
March 17
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
University of Oxford
The discovery of pulsars - a graduate student’s tale  bell-burnell

February 12
( Wednesday )

Special time and place: 
11:00 am in Y03 G85

John Bush
MIT Cambridge
Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs:
Droplets Walking on the Impossible Pilot Wave


2019 Series

December 2 Michela Massimi
University of Edinburgh
The Explanatory Role of Dark Matter  massimi
October 21 David Stevenson
Caltech, USA
Jupiter's Interior as Revealed by Juno  stevenson
April 15 Chang Kee Jung
Stony Brook University
Neutrino Revolution and Quest for the Origin
of the Matter Dominated Universe
May 13 Renato Renner
ETH Zürich
Using quantum computers to test the consistency of quatum theory  renner


2018 Serie

November 26

Chiara Macchiavello

Pavia University

Entanglement, complementarity and correlations  chiara
October 29

Wolfgang Auwärter
Kuhn-Rikon ---
Beat Butz


Peter Truöl

Universität Zürich

Verena Meyer
Physikerin – Rektorin –
Präsidentin des Wissenschaftsrats
March 26

Werner Hofmann

Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics

The Galaxy Viewed in Very High Energy Gamma Rays  hofmann
February 26 Kate Marvel  

Columbia University; 

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Climate change: how hot will it get?  marvel


2017 Series

November 13

Simon White

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik

Computer reconstruction of cosmic history  white
October 9

Andrea Fratalocchi

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Evolutionary complexity and the imitation game of Nature  fratalocchi
May 8 Marcel Franz
University of British Columbia
From Solids with Topology to Black Holes and Back  frank


2016 Series

October 24 Chris Quigg
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
What Quarkonium Taught Me about the Schroedinger Equation, and vice versas ​ quigg
September 23 Lawrence Krauss
Arizona State University
Journey to the Beginning of Time: Gravitational Waves and Turning Metaphysics into Physics ​ ​ krauss
June 6
Paul Chaikin
New York University
Random Organization, Hyperuniformity and Photonic Bandgaps ​ chaikin
May 30 Mark Trodden
University of Pennsylvania
Embracing the Dark Side: In Search of the Missing Pieces of the Cosmic Puzzles  trodden


2015 Series

December 7 David Kirby
Manchester University
Lab coats in Hollywood: scientist' impact on cinema's, cinema's impact on science ​​ kriby
November 2 Joe Silk
Oxford University and John Hopkins University
The limits of cosmology ​​ silk
October 19 Katherine Freese
Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics
The dark side of the Universe ​​ freese
September 18 Andreas Wallraff
ETH Zurich
A quantum mechanics lab on a chip ​​ kriby
March 2 Belen Gavela
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
The misterious flavors of the Universe ​​ gavela


2014 Series

December 1 Rocky Kolb
University of Chicago
Erwin Schroedinger's alarming phenomenon  kolb
November 17 Sean Carroll
Caltech University
Quantum mechanics and cosmology in very large Universes  carroll

