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In cooperation with the Science Lab UZH we offer courses and activities for school classes, teachers or individual students. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us by e-mail (

For School Classes

Quarks, Electrons, Gluons & Co - insight into particle physics

Cosmic Rays - Messengers from space - from their discovery to understanding the universe

Magnetism - Everyday but exciting - from refrigerator magnets to the earth's magnetic field

Cosmology - The origin of the universe - how did the universe evolve from the Big Bang to today?

Focus Energy - Energystorage and energy transformation

Visit at the Physics Department

For Teacher

For High-School Students


  • CERN: Science Gateway:
    project for science education and outreach.

  • CERN-Solvay Education Programme
    The CERN-Solvay Education Programme is designed to engage high-school students from around the world with exciting education content related to the scientific activities conducted at CERN. Funded by the Belgian science company Solvay, this programme combines the unique advantages of both online and on-site learning at CERN. It aims at triggering, fostering and building up the interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and in STEM careers among high-school students. It is part of the education portfolio of Science Gateway, CERN's new flagship project for science education and outreach.

  • Beamline for Schools (BL4S) is a physics competition for high school students from all around the world organised at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, in Geneva, Switzerland, and DESY, the German Electron Synchrotron, in Hamburg, Germany. Teams of high school students can propose an experiment that they want to perform at a beamline, that is, a part of a particle accelerator. The teams that submit the three best proposals win a trip to CERN or DESY to perform their experiments at a fully-equipped beamline.
