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Lea Caminada CMS pixel detector
Florencia Canelli Rare Processes and ML
Andreas Crivellin Theory: Flavour Physics
Thomas Gehrmann Precision Calculations
Massimiliano Grazzini Standard Model and Higgs Physics
Gino Isidori Beyond the Standard Model
Ben Kilminster CMS: Triggering tau Leptons
Stefano Pozzorini Automated Simulations
Nico Serra LHCb Experiment
Adrian Signer High Int. low Energy Particle Physics
Cristina Botta CMS: Supersymmetry searches
Lea Caminada CMS: Higgs bosons and charm qu.
Florencia Canelli CMS: New heavy partic. searches
Florencia Canelli CMS: Higgs bosons and top quarks
Ben Kilminster CMS: Pixel Detector
Ben Kilminster CMS: B Physics
* affiliated Group: Aude Gehrmann-De Ridder: Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich