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PHY391 Proseminar Theoretische Physik

Selected topics in theoretical physics: from cosmology to particle physics

The proseminar will cover a broad range of selected topics in theoretical physics, ranging from cosmology over statistical physics to particle physics.

Possible talks are

  • The big bang theory
  • The cosmic microwave background
  • What is dark matter?
  • The WIMP paradigm
  • Stellar evolution, supernovae, and the cosmic distance ladder
  • Dark energy and inflation
  • Black holes
  • Gravitational waves
  • Gravitational lensing
  • Noether theorem
  • Lorentz and Poincaré groups
  • Causality and dispersion relations
  • Random systems and Markov processes
  • Phase transitions, the Ising model, and spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • Chaos theory
  • Path integrals
  • Relativistic quantum mechanics: Klein–Gordon and Dirac equations
  • Beta decay, Fermi theory, and weak interaction
  • Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
  • The Standard Model (SM) and the Higgs
  • Quark mixing
  • The baryon asymmetry of the universe
  • Neutrino masses and neutrino oscillations
  • Physics beyond the SM
  • ...

Contact Information

Course information

Please note that the Proseminar PHY391 now takes place during fall semesters, starting with HS2024.

Time and Place: Monday, 10:15 - 12:00, room Y23-G-04

Assignments of the topics: Monday, 16.09.2024. Slides (PDF, 136 KB)

The topics will be presented and assigned during the first lecture. Students unable to attend the lecture should contact P. Stoffer.

Conditions for passing the module PHY391

  • give one presentation
  • attendance of at least 80% of the presentations by other students
  • active participation in discussions