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Selected Novel Science Cases for Intensity Interferometry
A. Mitchell
EAS 2020 Virtual Conference, 06.2020
Energy dependent morphology of the pulsar wind nebula HESS J1825-137 in the GeV domain
Search for extended gamma-ray emission around the Geminga pulsar with H.E.S.S.
A. Mitchell
Oral contributions to TeV Particle Astrophysics 2019, University of Sydney, 12.2019
Pulsar Wind Nebulae at TeV Energies
A. Mitchell
Invited talk at CTA Linkages in Australia meeting, University of Adelaide, 11.2019
Extensive Air Showers with Cherenkov Telescopes: cosmic rays and gamma-ray astronomy
A. Mitchell
Invited seminar talk, Laboratory for High Energy Physics, EPFL Lausanne, 10.2019
An Extreme Galactic Accelerator: HESS J1825-137 and the search for Galactic PeVatrons
A. Mitchell
Invited seminar talk, DESY Zeuthen, 8.2019
The Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1825-137 and the hunt for Galactic PeVatrons
A. Mitchell
Invited seminar talk, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, 1.2019
Höchstenergetische Strahlung aus dem Universum und ihre Erforschung – was hat das iwaz damit zu tun?
A. Vollhardt
Invited talk, IWAZ Kunden- und Partnerfrühstück, Wetzikon, 3.2018
FlashCam: A fully digital camera for CTA
A. Gadola
Plenary talk, CTA Consortium Meeting Liverpool England, 9.2015
FlashCam: A novel camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
A. Gadola
Invited seminar talk, University Innsbruck, 6.2015
FlashCam: A fully digital camera for CTA
A. Gadola
Plenary talk, CTA Consortium Meeting Turku Finnland, 5.2015
FlashCam: A novel camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
A. Gadola
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, Université de Fribourg, 7.2014
Handling large dynamic PMT signals with high precision in ground-based gamma-ray detectors
A. Gadola
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, ETH Zürich, 6.2012
AMC Development
A. Vollhardt
CTA Consortium Meeting Amsterdam, 5.2012
FlashCam Signal Reconstruction
A. Manalaysay
CTA Consortium Meeting Amsterdam, 5.2012
Design and Development of an Automatic Mirror Segment Alignment System
R. Gredig
CTA Consortium Meeting Madrid, 11.2011
FlashCam: A fully digital IACT camera system
A. Manalaysay
CTA Consortium Meeting Madrid, 11.2011
Introducing FlashCam Adaptations for the SST
A. Gadola
CTA SST Meeting Meudon, 9.2011
Solid Light Concentrators for a g-APD based Cherenkov Camera
B. Huber
Joint Annual Meeting of the SPS and APS, 6.2011
Triggering with FlashCam
A. Manalaysay
CTA General Meeting Toulouse, 5.2011
Alternative schemes for array-wide clock generation/distribution
A. Vollhardt
CTA General Meeting Toulouse, 5.2011
FlashCam - A fully digital camera for Cherenkov telescopes
A. Gadola
FPI/ELEC meeting Madrid, 4.2011
Performance of the parallel FADC demo board
A. Gadola
FPI/ELEC meeting Madrid, 4.2011
AMC update
A. Gadola, S. Steiner
CTA LST Meeting, 1.2011
Solid Light Concentrators - Production and First Experiences
B. Huber
CTA General Collaboration Meeting Oxford, 11.2010
Digitization of PMT signals with FADCs
A. Gadola
CTA General Meeting Zeuthen, 5.2010
AMC Development
A. Gadola
CTA MST Meeting Saclay, 3.2010
AMC Development
A. Gadola
CTA LST Meeting Muonio, 2.2010
A Design Study of a trigger-less Signal Reconstruction, an Active Mirror Control and a Light Collecting System in the framework of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA)
A. Gadola
Joint Annual Meeting SPS - ÖPG - ÖGAA Innsbruck, 9.2009
AMC News
A. Gadola
CTA MIR & TEL Meeting, Heidelberg, 4.2009
AMC Development
B. Huber
First DWARF Meeting Würzburg, 2.2009