- Preface (PDF, 227 KB)
- Contents (PDF, 45 KB)
- Measurement of the Gravitational Constant G (PDF, 84 KB)
- Measurement of the Neutrino Magnetic Moment at the Bugey Nuclear Reactor (PDF, 141 KB)
- Search for µ-e Conversion with SINDRUM II (PDF, 106 KB)
- Production and Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen (PDF, 439 KB)
- Rare Kaon Decays at Brookhaven AGS (PDF, 312 KB)
- Particle Physics at DESY / HERA (H1) (PDF, 802 KB)
- Particle Physics at DESY / HERA (HERA-B) (PDF, 63 KB)
- High-precision CP-violation Physics at LHCb (PDF, 218 KB)
- A Silicon Detector for the D0 Experiment at the Tevatron (PDF, 180 KB)
- Particle Physics with CMS (PDF, 2 MB)
- Superconductivity and Magnetism (PDF, 422 KB)
- Surface Physics (PDF, 1 MB)
- Physics of Biological Systems (PDF, 232 KB)
- Computer Assisted Physics (PDF, 192 KB)
- Mechanical Workshop (PDF, 220 KB)
- Electronics Workshop (PDF, 102 KB)
- Publications (PDF, 146 KB)