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Xenoscope: an observatoy for dark matter and neutrinos

Laura Baudis, UZH professor in physics, received an ERC (European Research Council) Grant for the investigation of dark matter and neutrinos.

Laura Baudis in Lab

Laura Baudis, professor at the physics department, receives an ERC grant for the investigation of dark matter and neutrinos. The nature of dark matter as well as the nature and absolute mass of the neutrinos are two of the greatest puzzles of modern particle physics and cosmology. Together with her group, Laura Baudis runs some of the world's most sensitive experiments to answer these questions. Xenoscope is a new project dedicated to research and development work to build a 50-ton liquid xenon based detector. It will operate a time projection chamber shielded by a large water tank in order to investigate the composition of dark matter and the nature of neutrinos with unprecedented sensitivity.
