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Physik-Institut Group of Nicola Serra

Bachelor and Master theses

Masters thesis projects on the SHiP timing detector

The SHiP experiment, aimed at discovering hidden particles, has recently been approved, and we are now embarking on an exhilarating phase: building and constructing the detector. The University of Zurich (UZH) is tasked with developing the Timing Detector, which plays a critical role in reducing the combinatorial background after the long vessel decay. The existing design achieves a timing resolution of approximately 90 ps, and ongoing studies aim to enhance this to as low as 50 ps. These advancements will be tested during two upcoming test beam periods at the CERN SPS beam facility. The Timing Detector features long scintillating bars (around 1.5m) equipped with Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) for light readout. In the coming months, numerous tests are required to analyze factors such as the number of photo-electrons collected, light attenuation, light leakage, and the optimization of electronics for reading multiple channels simultaneously.

We are excited to announce two hardware-focused projects for ambitious master students:

Project 1: Light Collection Enhancement

This project involves innovating the light readout configuration prior to the test beam periods. Given the length of the scintillating bars, only a few photo-electrons reach the end, impacting the timing resolution. A new Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with SiPMs distributed along the bar will be developed to maximize light collection. This project will also involve applying time-walk corrections and testing the amount of light collected using a beta radiation source at various positions along the bar. Additionally, characterizing light attenuation and edge effects will be crucial. The overall performance of this new detector design will later be validated in the test beam against the existing dual readout design.

Project 2: Optimizing detector coverage and time calibration

The existing design of the scintillating bar reads light from both ends, permitting the determination of the particle’s crossing point with specific spatial resolution along the x-axis. However, near the edges (approximately 5 cm from the end), this method becomes less effective, and optimizing the overlap on the x-axis becomes crucial. For this purpose, a prototype with six bars arranged in two columns of three rows each will be constructed to also test y-axis overlapping.

This project will focus significantly on phase time alignment, which is crucial for synchronizing the signal timing across all bars. LEDs placed at each end of each bar will be utilized to calibrate all signals in time. The calibration routines developed will need to be tested comprehensively with several bars simultaneously, both in lab conditions and during the test beam periods.

Additionally, both projects will require involvelment in understanding the new coincidence time resolution using the latest ASICs, optimizing the system for a larger number of channels, and creating calibration routines to ensure all timing detectors are aligned in the same phase.

These projects offer a unique opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research in particle physics, providing hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology at one of the world’s leading research facilities. We encourage motivated master students with a passion for innovation and research excellence to join us in this pioneering endeavor.

Other projects

We also offer thesis topics for Bachelor and Master levels in the following areas:

  • Data analysis on the SHiP experiment.
  • Applications of Machine Learning techniques (Deep Learning, Convolution Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Network, including TensorFlowand Keras) to particle physics analyses.
  • Machine learning applied to Epidemiology.

A short summary of our research activities can be found here. Please contact one of us to ask for further information.

Weiterführende Informationen

Two new Ph.D. positions

[New Group Photo from Virtual retreat 2021]

Group Photo from the virtual retreat 2021