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I graduated from the University of Naples (Italy) with an MSc in Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics. For my Bachelor thesis, I performed neutrino oscillation searches in the OPERA experiment and later, for my Master thesis, I performed Light Dark Matter sensitivity studies for the SHiP collaboration. During this time I had the opportunity to be part of an internship project with MISiS University and YSDA (Moscow) focused on Machine Learning. Throughout my Master thesis I also worked as a summer student at Fermilab (Chicago) and DESY (Hamburg) on the NOvA and Belle II experiments, respectively, specialising in data analysis and computing.
Since 2019 I am PhD student within the LHCb and SHiP groups in Zurich. My research interests lie in addressing the search for new physics in Lepton Flavor Universality violating processes as well as in the application of Machine Learning techniques to High Energy Physics.