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How to Reach the "Irchel" Campus

a) arriving by train

All long-distance trains stop at Zürich main station ('Hauptbahnhof'). For train timings, see the SBB time table.

The simplest and best way to reach the campus is by public transport. Tram stop 'Bahnhofplatz/HB' is located just outside the station, exit 'Bahnhofstrasse'. From here, you have a choice of two tram lines.

  • Either: take tram 10 (direction 'Zürich Flughafen' or 'Bahnhof Oerlikon') and get off at stop 'Universität Irchel'
  • Or: take tram 14 (direction 'Seebach') and get off at stop 'Milchbuck'

During daytime, each of the two lines runs every 7.5 minutes. In both cases, the tram ride takes less than 15 minutes. From the tram stops it is a short walk up to the institute, see "How to find the Physik-Institut", below.

Taxi stands are also located just outside the station, exit 'Bahnhofstrasse'. Give the driver the following address:

Universität Zürich Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190

The ride will cost you about CHF 20.- and it will most probably take you longer than by tram. The walk from the university's taxi stand to our institute is equally long as that from the tram stops, but a lot less nice.

b) arriving by plane

Also here, we recommend to take the tram. From the arrivals hall it is a shortish walk to the tram stop (follow the signs "Lokalbus / Tram / Strassenbahn"). From there,

  • take tram 10 (direction 'Bahnhofplatz/HB') and get off at stop 'Universität Irchel'

This line runs every 15 minutes during daytime. The ride takes 23 minutes. From the tram stop it is a short walk up to the institute, see "How to find the Physik-Institut", below.

A taxi stand is located directly in front of the arrivals hall. The ride will take about 15-25 minutes (depending on traffic) and cost about CHF 40.-. Give the driver the following address:

Universität Zürich Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190

The walk from the university's taxi stand to our institute is equally long as that from the tram stops, but a lot less nice.

c) arriving by car

Our general recommendation is NOT to bring your car. A car is quite useless in Zürich. Parking space is difficult to find and/or very expensive. If you want to come by car anyway (and do not have a GPS), here is a short description on how to reach 'Irchel - Parkhaus', the underground parking directly underneath the campus:

... by motorway A1 from Basel/Bern

  • at 'Limmattaler Kreuz' follow motorway A3 direction 'Winterthur,St.Gallen'
  • at 'Autobahndreieck Zürich Ost', follow signs to 'Zürich, Chur, Luzern'
  • take exit 'Zürich Schwamendingen'
  • follow signs to 'Irchel' and 'Irchel - Parkhaus'.

... by motorway A1 from St.Gallen

  • at 'Autobahndreieck Zürich Ost' follow signs to 'Zürich, Chur, Luzern'
  • take exit 'Zürich Schwamendingen'
  • follow signs to 'Irchel' and 'Irchel - Parkhaus'.

... by motorway A3 from Chur, Luzern, Gotthard

  • leave motorway A3 at exit 'Zürich Süd'
  • follow signs 'Transit, Winterthur'. The route takes you along 'Manessestrasse', across the rather long 'Hardturm-Brücke', then uphill through 'Rosengartenstrasse' and finally through a short tunnel underneath 'Bucheggplatz';
  • upon leaving the tunnel, turn right into 'Wehntalerstrasse'
  • follow signs to 'Irchel - Parkhaus'.

From the parking deck, take the elevator to the "F" floor to reach the campus. From here, it is a short walk up to the Physik-Institut. See the next section for details. Parking fees are around CHF 20.- per 24 hours.


How to find the Physik-Institut

Signposts at "Milchbuck" and "Irchel" tram stops show the way to the campus. The Physik-Institut is located in Building 36, the second-last building on your left as you walk uphill through the campus. These maps [map 1 (PDF, 313 KB) and map 2 (PDF, 127 KB)] and this 3D view (JPG, 89 KB) of the Irchel campus may help you find your way. This photo (JPG, 22 KB) should help you recognize the building when you stand in front of it :-).


Public Transport: Tickets and Prices

You have to buy your ticket before you board the tram! You will find a vending machine at every tram stop. From the main station, you need a ticket for 'zone 10' (blue button for a one-way ticket, green button for a day pass). From the airport, you need a ticket to 'Stadt Zürich'. Again, you can choose between a one-way ticket and a day pass (button '<->'). A day pass costs twice as much as a one-way ticket and is valid for an umlimited number of rides within 24 hours after purchase. Careful, older vending machines accept CHF coins only (new machines, which accept bank notes as well, are currently being introduced).

Ticket prices (as of spring 2014):

  full price Swiss half-price
  one way day pass (24h) one way day pass (24h)
from main station (zone 10) 4.20 8.40 2.90 5.80
from airport (zones 21,10) 6.60 13.20 3.30 6.60

ZVV also provide an online timetable.