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Peter  Debye

Peter Debye, Prof. Dr.

  • 1911-1912 Physik
  • Nobelpreis 1936

Academic Curriculum Vitae

1901-1905 Studies of Electrotechnics in Aachen

1906-1908 Studies of Physics in Munich

1908 PhD with a thesis on radiation pressure

1910 Habilitation

1911-1912 Professor for theoretical physics at the university of Zurich

1912 -1913 Professor at the university of Utrecht

1913-1920 Professor at the university of Göttingen

1920-1927 Professor at ETH Zürich

1927-1934 Professor at the university of Leipzig

1934-1940 Professor at the Friedrich-Wilhelms university Berlin

1940-1952 Professor at the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York

1952 Emeritus professor


The work "Zur Theorie der spezifischen Wärmen" published in 1912 provided for the first time the correct behaviour at low temperatures (Debye's T3 law). In  1915 he developed the method for measuring X-ray interferences on polycrystalline substances with Paul Scherrer. 


1936: Nobel Prize for his work on dipole moments of molecules

1930: Rumford Medal for work relating to specific heats and X-ray spectroscopy

1937: Franklin Medal

1963: Priestley Medal

1965: National Medal of Science


UZH Nobel prize laureates

Nobel prize 1936 for Peter Debye



Weiterführende Informationen

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936

"for his contributions to our knowledge of molecular structures through his investigations on dipole moments and the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases".

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936

Peter Debye

* 24. March 1884 in Maastricht, Niederlande

† 2. November 1966 in Ithaca, New York