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Physik-Institut The CMS experiment at UZH

Publications of UZH CMS group

Journal publications

The members of the CMS UZH group are authors of more than 1000 publications, through contributions to physics measurements, searches for new physics interactions and particles, building and operating detector systems, and development and implementation of event and object selection algorithms.

  The full set of publications can be found here.

The list of publications of the group where we have been primary authors: developing, completing, and defending the analysis, and writing the publications can be found in the Physics Analysis and Detector Development section. 

PhD, Masters', Bachelors' Theses

PhD Theses

Master Theses

  • "Developing and testing Unfolding Algorithms", Nukulsinh Parmar, 2021 (F. Canelli)

  • "Search for a narrow-width, TeV-scale Z' vector boson coupling to b quarks", Manuel Sommerhalder, 2019 (B. Kilminster)

  • "Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z boson and a Higgs boson", Pascal Baertschi, 2019 (B. Kilminster)

  • "Performance of the CMS phase I upgrade pixel detector", M. Gienal, Zurich 2018  (F. Canelli/L. Caminada)

  • "Search for a low mass ditau resonance at CMS in 2016 data", Izaak Neutelings, 2017 (B. Kilminster)

  • "Search for electroweak production of a vector-like quark T' decaying to a top quark and a Z boson", G. Giannini, Zurich 2017  (F. Canelli)

Bachelor Theses

  • Developments in the search for 4 top production at CMS, Fernando Moreno Fernandez, 2022 (F. Canelli)

  • "Decays of the Bs0 meson at CMS", Fabian Stäger, 2019 (B. Kilminster)
  • "Algorithms to identify high-energy B hadrons via their hit multiplicity increase through pixel detection layers", Manuel Sommerhalder, 2018 (B. Kilminster)
  • "Optimizing the search for DM in association with top quarks at the CMS experiment", Rico Buergler, 2018 (F. Canelli)
  • "Reconstruction of 𝜏 lepton pair invariant mass using an artificial neural network", Pascal Baertschi, 2018 (B. Kilminster)
  • "Testing of the readout chain and data acquisition of the CMS pixel upgrade detector system", Benno Neuenschwander, 2017 (B. Kilminster)

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D. Pinna, PhD 2017

Jennifer Nadiuba's PhD

J. Nadiuba, PhD 2017


D. Salerno, PhD 2018

Camilla Galloni's PhD day

C. Galloni, PhD 2018


T. Aarrestad, PhD 2019


Giorgia Rauco, PhD 2019