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We are the quantum matter theory group at the University of Zurich. While we are very broadly interested in all aspects of condensed matter physics, we focus on quantum materials and topological and correlated systems. Besides their intrinsic scientific value, quantum materials with novel emergent phenomena can help to build new computer chips, memories, solar cells, and sensors.
A main research direction in our group focuses on the study of interacting topological phases beyond the band-structure paradigm. This line of research is supported by a SNF Consolidator Grant.
Materials whose main structural motive is a kagome lattice provide a playground for novel topological and correlated phases. While we are generally interested in this broad class of materials, our focus so far has been on the AV3Sb5 family (A = Rb, K, Cs) and the interplay of charge order, flux order, and superconductivity.
We study and propose novel platforms for realizing exciting physical properties not otherwise realized in nature.
We are interested in both fundamental aspect of unconventional superconductivity relating to symmetry and topology, as well as specific examples including the Kagome superconductors, 4Hb-TaS2 and locally non-centrosymmetric superconductor CeRh2As2.
In addition to the currently running projects, our group has an extensive expertise in various fields, ranging from higher-order topology and open quantum systems to methods development and applications of machine learning in (condensed matter) physics.
A collection of articles and video contributions that is oriented towards the general public.