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Physik-Institut Correlated Quantum Matter


Lectures at held at Sumer/Winter Schools

MaNEP Winter School 2025: New Frontiers in Quantum Materials in Equilibrium and Beyond

The 2025 MaNEP Winter School combines introductory courses with more specialized lectures in the field of correlated quantum materials.

The school aims at a broad introduction to contemporary topics in condensed matter physics. This year's school will be dedicated to understanding and creating new quantum phases in strongly correlated materials in and out-of-equilibrium. In MaNEP's tradition, we anticipate a warm and interactive atmosphere between participants, lecturers and organizers.

At the school I am giving a lecture on "Neutron Scattering on Quantum Materials in Extreme Conditions".

Here is more information available on the entire school: 

The Oxford School on Neutron Scattering

The Oxford School on Neutron Scattering is intended for scientists and engineers who are new to the field of neutron scattering. Lectures and tutorials covering the theory and practice of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy are given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both continuous and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.


At the school I am giving a lecture on Neutron Instrumentation:


Here is more information available on the entire school:

17th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering


Introduction to Polarized Neutron Scattering Techniques

Even conventional neutron scattering techniques exhibit high sensitivity to magnetic degrees of freedom in condensed matter. This sensitivity can be further enhanced by polarizing the neutron beams used to probe quantum materials. Notably, when the polarization of the scattered beam is analyzed even more subtle effects can be studied. We have given several introductory lectures suitable for master student level and upward at schools and workshops. A particular emphasis is given to the technique of spherical neutron polarimetry, which we helped to develop.

Polarized Neutron Diffraction and Spectroscopy: Applications to Quantum Materials, Oak Ridge, TN, USA (2019)

Neutron Scattering and Imaging for Newcomers, Satellite to the 32nd European Crystallographic Meeting (2019)


Raciri Summer School 2017

The RACIRI Summer School is a joint initiative by Russia, Sweden and Germany in the collaborative framework of the Röntgen-Angström-Cluster (RAC) and the Ioffe-Röntgen-Institute (IRI).

We gave an introductory lecture on the use of neutron scattering methods to investigate quantum materials during the Raciri Summer School 2017 held in Ronneby, Sweden.

Further Information on the program and the lecture slides may be found here.


Weiterführende Informationen


Block course: Introduction to Contemporary Quantum Matter Physics

PHY291 Proseminar in Experimental Physics