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Physik-Institut Group of Gino Isidori


The goal of our research activity is to investigate the nature of the basic constituent of matter, and to understand how they interact. To make progress in this field we follow a twofold path.

On the one hand, we construct possible extensions of the so-called Standard Model of fundamental interactions. This theory successfully describes all microscopic phenomena observed so far, but leaves unanswered several fundamental questions, such as the origin of particle masses or the nature of dark matter.

On the other hand, we perform theoretical studies for the sub-nuclear reactions under experimental investigation in high-energy laboratories around the world. We predict and analyse the outcome of experiments performed both at the high-energy and at the high-intensity frontier of particle physics investigating their sensitivity (and their constraints) on physics beyond the Standard Model.

In more detail, our research activity is focused on the following three main directions:

  • The origin of Quark and Lepton masses
    [Flavor Symmetries, Dynamical Flavor Models, precision tests of the Standard Model and search for New Physics via rare processes]

  • Electroweak Physics and the Hierarchy Problem
    [Higgs Physics, Stability of the Standard Model Higgs potential, Grand Unified, Composite-Higgs models]

  • Effective Field Theories (EFT)
    [Theoretical aspects of EFT, EFT for physics beyond the Standard Model, Chiral Perturbation theory, Heavy Quark Symmetry]

Recent publications

Selected videos

Flavor physics: old problems and recent hopes  [Seminar at the Galileo Galiei Insitute, March 2022]

Misteries in Flavour Physics[CERN, Academic Training, Spring 2022]

Interpreting the Higgs-mass oracle [ICTP, SUSY conference,  August 2013]

Weiterführende Informationen


Prof. Dr. Gino Isidori

Department of Physics

University of Zürich

Winterthurerstrasse 190

CH-8057 Zürich


+41 44 635 5751

+41 44 635 5781 (secretariat) 

Office: 36 J 82