Ivo Vellekoop, Dr.
- Postdoc - Imaging in turbid media
- Phone
- +41 (0)44 635 4584
Corinna Maass, Dr.
- Graduate student Konstanz - levitated granular gases
- Phone
- +49 7531 88 3867
Susanne Fiebig, Dr.
- Graduate student Konstanz - Anderson localization
- Phone
- +49 7531 88 3862
Wolfgang Bührer, Dr.
- Graduate Student Konstanz - Anderson localization
- Phone
- +49 7531 88 3867
Nathan Isert, Dr.
- Graduate Student Konstanz - levitating foams
Michael Schindlberger, MSc.
- Master Student - growing foams
- Phone
- +41 44 635 4584
Ulrike Nienhaus, Dr.
- Graduate Student - mechanical stresses in wing discs
- Phone
- +41 (0)44 635 40 31
Thomas Schluck, Dr.
- Graduate Student - mechanical stimulation of tissue
- Phone
- +41 (0)44 635 4584
Giulia Ghielmetti, Dr.
- Graduate Student - turbid imaging
- Phone
- +41 (0)44 635 40 30
Daniel Assmann, dipl. phys.
- Graduate student - mechanics of developmental tissues
- Phone
- +41 44 635 4031
Tilo Sperling, Dr. rer. nat.
- Graduate Student Konstanz - Anderson localization
- Phone
- +49 7531 88 3867
Anna Pataki, MSc
- Master student - molecular force sensing
- Phone
- +41 44 635 6186
Ronny Rüttimann, MSc
- Master student - fish hydrodynamics
- Phone
- +41 44 635 4030
Dominik Eder, Dr.
- PhD Student - Biological force sensors (also at Basler lab - see "Website")
- Phone
- +41 44 635 6186
Severine Urdy, Dr.
- PostDoc - tissue Modelling
- Phone
- +41 44 635 40 30
Geoffroy Aubry, Dr.
- PostDoc Konstanz - Anderson localization
- Phone
- +49 7531 88 3862
Flavio Lanfranconi, Dr.
- PhD student - mechanical stability of tissues
- Phone
- +41 44 635 6186
Arne Keller, Dr.
- PostDoc - mechanical tissue modeling
- Phone
- +41 44 635 6186
Sahil Puri, Dr. Sc. Nat.
- PhD student - fin elasticity
- Phone
- +41 44 635 4031
Francesco Atzeni, Dr. Sc. Nat.
- PhD student - tissue mechanics (also at Bunner Lab - see "Website")
- Phone
- +41 44 635 6186
Subas Scheibler, MSc.
- Master student - Light modulation
- Phone
- + 41 44 635 40 30
Archana Malavalli, Dr. Sc. Nat.
- PhD student - turbid optics
- Phone
- +41 44 635 40 30
Lukas Schertel, Dr. Sc. Nat.
- PhD Student Konstanz - Anderson localization
- Phone
- +49 7531 88 3862
Till Stöckli
- Master student - light in turbid media
Paule Dagenais, Dr. Sc. Nat
- PhD student - zebrafish hydrodynamics
- Phone
- +41 44 635 4031
David Dreher, MSc
- PhD student - tissue Mechanics (also at Brunner lab - see "Website")
- Phone
- +41 44 635 6186
Yasaman Heshmatzade
- Master student - forces in tissues
Jianfei Jiang, MSc.
- Master student - simulations of tissue mechanics