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Aktuelle News


  • Guest Professor Matthias Neubert

    Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert, professor for theoretical particle physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz joins the group of Gino Isidori as a guest professor.

  • Fabian Natterer

    Glückwunsch zur Beförderung zum ausserordentlichen Professor für Quantenmaterialien und Sensorik

  • Open Day

    Tag der offenen Tür 2024, 21. & 22. November

    Ausstellung von Postern der Forschungsgruppen in der mechanischen Werkstatt und im Lichthof

  • Soluyanov Prize for Maryna Mesiura

     Maryna Mesiura was awarded the Soluyanov Prize 2024  for the best theoretical physics master thesis at our department on "On the combinations of triangles, memories and gyroscopes"

  • Dectris Prize for Brigitte Decrausaz

     Brigitte Decrausaz was awarded the Dectris Prize 2024 for the best experimental physics master thesis at our department on "Magnons in the Multiferroic Ni3TeO6"

  • First detection of the neutrino fog by XENONnT

    The first measurement of solar 8B neutrinos via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) in XENONnT has been published in Physical Review Letters.

  •  hardness of quantum materials simulations

    Publication in Science on the hardness of quantum materials simulations

    A large team of researchers including the Neupert group at UZH have benchmarked computational methods for simulating quantum many-body systems on a range of iconic model problems.

  • Welcome Prof. Johanna Nordlander

    Prof.  Johanna Nordlander is a leading expert in oxide materials discovery

  • CMS W boson mass measurement

    The CMS collaboration published the most precise measurement of the W Boson mass at LHC so far.
    It is in in line with the prediction from the Standard Model of particle physics.

Weiterführende Informationen


Erwin Schrödinger entwickelte seine berühmte Gleichung während seiner Zeit als Professor an unserer Universität. 1933 erhielt er für seine Leistung den Nobelpreis. Die Schrödingergleichung bildet unter anderem das Fundament der Atom- und Molekülphysik.

Ausstellung UzhN/EARTH – Kunst und Wissenschaft 1600 Meter unter Tage

Neue Ausstellung im Science Pavilion UZH

International Year of Quantum and Technology

Mehr zu International Year of Quantum and Technology

In diesem Jahr an der UZH: Ausstellung, Symposium und ein Quantum Escaperaum!

Physik-Institut in 5 Minuten

Physik-Institut in 5 Minuten

Mehr zu Physik-Institut in 5 Minuten

Fabian Natterer

Glückwunsch zur Beförderung zum ausserordentlichen Professor für Quantenmaterialien und Sensorik