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Dectris Preis für die beste Masterarbeit in Experimentalphysik
Soluyanov Preis für die beste Masterarbeit in theoretischer Physik
Vera Hiu-Sze Wu (group Baudis): Dectris prize for the best experimental master thesis at our institute. Title of her thesis: Low Energy Calibration for GERDA and Characterization of Wavelength-shifters and Reflectors
Kenny Choo (group Neupert), won the 2021 SPS thesis award for his PhD work on Neural Network Quantum States in the category Computational Physics.
Marino Missiroli (group Caminada) won a CMS award
For his exceptional contributions to the trigger in almost every single area: online operations, data quality monitoring, Run2/Run3 preparation, and the jet/MET effort for Phase-II